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The Connection Between Prolong Fasting and Inflammation: A Natural Approach to Managing Chronic Inflammation

Posted By dddkth on Health - Prolong Fasting and Inflammation: learn the science behind it, get practical tips, and start your journey towards improved well-being today.

Seniors and Strength Training: Why it’s never too late to start

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - As we age, it's important to prioritize our health and well-being. One aspect that is often overlooked is strength training. Many seniors believe that it's too late to start or that it may be too strenuous for their bodies. However, the truth is that strength training can have numerous benefits for seniors, regardless of their age or fitness level.

Why is strength training important for seniors?
Strength training is crucial for seniors because it helps maintain muscle mass and bone density. As we age, we naturally lose muscle mass, which can lead to weakness and an increased risk of falls and fractures. By engaging in regular strength training exercises, seniors can slow down this muscle loss and maintain their strength and independence.
What are the benefits of strength training for seniors?
1. Increased muscle strength: Strength training helps seniors build and maintain muscle strength, making everyday tasks easier and reducing the risk of injury.
2. Improved balance and stability: Strength training exercises that focus on the core and lower body can improve balance and stability, reducing the risk of falls.
3. Enhanced bone health: Strength training stimulates bone growth and helps prevent osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weak and brittle bones.
4. Better joint function: Strengthening the muscles around the joints can alleviate pain and improve joint function, making it easier for seniors to stay active.
5. Increased metabolism: Building muscle through strength training can boost metabolism, helping seniors maintain a healthy weight and prevent age-related weight gain.
How to start strength training as a senior?
Before starting any exercise program, it's important for seniors to consult with their healthcare provider. Once they have the green light, they can begin with simple strength training exercises using their body weight or light resistance bands. Gradually, they can increase the intensity and incorporate weights or resistance machines.
It's important to start slowly and listen to their bodies. Seniors should focus on proper form and technique to avoid injury. Working with a certified personal trainer who specializes in senior fitness can also be beneficial.
Seniors should not be discouraged by their age when it comes to strength training. It's never too late to start reaping the benefits of regular exercise. By incorporating strength training into their routine, seniors can improve their overall health, maintain their independence, and enjoy a higher quality of life.

How To Fight Holiday Stress

Posted By Enerhealth on Health -  
Stress is something that can creep up at any time throughout the year. The holiday season tends to be one of the more stressful periods for many people and there are many different factors that play into making you feel the way that you do during this special season. Any stress you’re feeling could be because you’re being overworked at your job or even worried about your finances. Stress also has a unique way of affecting you in many different forms. 
The good news is there are many different ways you can adapt to fighting your stressors. While it may take some time to find a strategy that works for you, we ensure it’s possible to win the battle you’re facing.
 Below we’ve listed a few of our favorite ways to fight off holiday stress. Whether you incorporate all of them or just a few, they’re sure to help get you back on your feet to enjoy all this season has to offer.
Build Herbal Extracts Into Your Daily Routine
Extracts are becoming more and more popular, not only because of their benefits but also because of how versatile they can be. Especially during the busy holiday season when you’re on the go, having a versatile extract that can keep up with your lifestyle is a great option to have. With uses such as daily immunity, the benefits of using extracts go beyond just keeping your stress at bay.
Your immune system weakens when you experience high levels of stress, so having the added boost will only make you feel that much better. In addition to revitalizing your body, extracts can be incorporated into any lifestyle. Because they’re drops, you can include them in any drink of your preference – from a morning cup of coffee to a late-night cup of tea. Extracts are a great and easy way to shield yourself from stress while also benefiting other specific focus areas.
Eat The Right Helpful Foods
It’s no surprise to anyone that the food we put in our bodies has a direct relation to the way we feel. But, did you know there are specific foods to help combat stress? For starters, Omega-3 fatty acids can be great during this time of year. Found in foods like avocados and fatty pieces of fish, these crucial building blocks have been found to improve your mood while also fighting stress.

Secondly, is dark chocolate. Due to the high amounts of antioxidants found in this food, you can experience lower levels of stress from eating just one ounce a day. The important thing to remember is the higher percentage of cocoa, the better. Just do your best not to overindulge in this tasty stress fighter. Avoiding empty foods with no beneficial effects on your body is crucial during this time of heightened tension.
Exercise The Stress Away

When you’re constantly wrapped up in the chaotic whirlwind of the holidays, it can be hard to make time for yourself. While this is the time of year known for selflessness and giving to others, you could also be doing harm to your own body by neglecting it. Taking a small portion of the day to put your health first and exercise could be the best solution to your trouble.
The benefit of the holiday season is that getting in your workout can happen in many different ways. If you live where the climate drops and snow falls, shoveling your driveway or sidewalks can be all the movement you need. Due to this being such a strenuous task, it’s important you prepare yourself beforehand to avoid injury. Warming up for a few moments prior by stretching and getting your body moving is a great place to start. In addition, if you wear glasses or some form of eyewear, learning how to stop glasses from fogging will ensure the least amount of injuries while keeping your vision clear. If you live in an area where you don’t get snow, you can still get your exercise in by walking places you would normally drive to, or simply by stopping by the gym before/after work. The feeling you’re sure to achieve after a little movement will put an end to your stress almost immediately.
It’s vital to understand first, you’re not an exception to feeling tension this time of year. With an uptick in triggers, it’s very easy to find yourself feeling out of the norm. Whether you can only incorporate one of these strategies or all of the above, putting your best foot forward to better health will have you staying on top of all the stress life throws at you. Especially when trying to survive the holiday season.

Cocoa Mojo Super Chocolate Chip Cookies

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Looking for a low sugar sweet, a gluten-free indulgence or simply just some yummy chocolate chip cookies? This is the simple and delicious recipe you've been searching for. 
This recipe uses our Cocoa Mojo powder, a low glycemic, vegan and gluten free coco powder infused with organic mushroom extracts designed to provide health benefits, boost immunity, and taste delicious. 
*Recipe makes about 2 dozen cookies

1 Cup Organic Spelt Flour
1 Cup Organic Oat Flour 
1/2 Cup Cocoa Mojo
3/4 Teaspoon Baking Soda
1/4 Teaspoon Organic Cinnamon 
1 Teaspoon Double-strength Vanilla
3 Tablespoons of Almond Milk
1/2 Cup Agave Syrup
2/3 Cup Coconut Oil (Room Temp)
1 Cup Grain-Sweetened Chocolate Chips 

*This recipe is not 100% vegan, but the ingredients can be easily interchanged to adhere to any dietary guidelines!

Preheat the oven to 350°F
Do NOT grease cookie sheet (use a stainless-steel cookie sheet). You can put parchment paper on it if you like.
Combine all ingredients in the order given in a glass or stainless-steel bowl (do not use plastic).
Mix until well blended. 
Place cookie dough in refrigerator for 15 minutes. It should partly solidify. 
Spoon refrigerated dough, about 1 tablespoon size onto cookie sheet leaving enough room between spoonfuls as the cookies will spread.
Bake for 12 minutes - remove from oven but leave on cookie sheet for 2 minutes.
Remove from cookie sheet and place on cooling rack.

Then enjoy these delicious, healthy, and super chocolate chip COCOA MOJO cookies!

Healthier Cat Foods

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Darren and I did a show on pet health and then a newsletter. It did not occur to us that we had failed to mention anything about cat food and cat health. So, our apologies and this little tidbit, I hope will rectify that omission.
Cat food brands that have a great reputation:

Wellness Core, non-grain based, high protein and may not cause diarrhea.
Natural Balance, great for allergic conditions
Orijen, non-grain based high protein-some cats refuse to eat this but love Wellness Core.
Felidae, grain in it but not as much as some

You must not change over from a grain-based food to one of these high-protein foods in one-fell-swoop; your cat will get diarrhea and not like you for a while. Remember to put a teaspoon of Enerfood on their food for the algaes, seaweeds, grasses, and herbs! They will thank you for it!So as far as cat foods go, this is a pretty good list. Most can be found on the web and in specialty pet food stores...

Why Older Men Often Need a Libido Boost

Posted By invigormedical on Health - There’s a common occurrence in men of middle or older age, that doesn’t get talked about enough, and is often associated with shame or embarrassment for the man.  It can lead to decreased satisfaction in relationships, and has even been known to break up marriages.  Usually, it has nothing to do with a man’s partner, […]The post Why Older Men Often Need a Libido Boost appeared first on Invigor Medical.

Vegan Holiday Desserts (Even Non-Vegans Will Love)

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Vegan desserts are probably the best way to introduce plant-based food to people who eat a typical unhealthy diet. There are so many amazing plant-based ingredients that can go into a vegan dessert: coconut oil, almond flour, dates, maple syrup, berries, dark chocolate, almonds and other nuts (to name a few!).
We’ve collected two vegan holiday desserts and two wintery beverages that will impress anyone. Enjoy these desserts with the added benefit of knowing that you are actually nourishing your body with healthy fats and antioxidants.
In addition to being egg and dairy free, the following desserts are also all gluten-free and made with natural sweeteners (instead of white sugar). No guilt!
Decadent Chocolate Torte with Coconut Cream

This is the perfect dessert to make when you want to impress someone, especially someone who is skeptical of vegan food. It’s simple and easy to make, but the ingredients are expensive, so it is best to save it for a special occasion. This torte is rich, fudgy, and indulgent, and packs in tons of antioxidants from the raw cacao (unheated cocoa powder) and healthy fat from the coconut oil.

½ cup raw cacao
1 ½ cups almond flour
¼ cup pure maple syrup
¼ cup melted coconut oil
pinch of sea salt

Ganache filling:

2 ¼ cups raw cacao
2 ¼ cups pure maple syrup
1 cup melted coconut oil

Coconut cream:

1 can of full-fat coconut milk, chilled overnight in the refrigerator
Maple syrup to taste

To make the crust:

 Mix all ingredients well in a standing mixer, or by hand with a wooden spoon.
 Press the dough evenly into a 9-inch pie dish.
Cover with plastic wrap and place in refrigerator or freezer to chill for at least 1 hour.

To make the filling:

Blend the filling ingredients in a blender until smooth.
Test to make sure the ganache is not grainy; if it is, continue to blend until smooth.
Pour into the chilled crust.
Place in the refrigerator to chill and set for at least 3 hours.

To make the coconut cream:

Open the chilled can of coconut milk, and scrape off the solid top layer. This is coconut cream. You will have coconut water left at the bottom; you can discard or save this for another purpose.
Put the coconut cream in a dish, and whisk in maple syrup to taste.
Slice the torte and serve with a dollop of coconut cream. Store any leftovers in the refrigerator (this will melt fairly quickly).

Adapted from Raw Food Real World by Sarma Melngailis and Matthew Kenney.

Raw vegan cheesecake is one of the most magical desserts, because it’s almost impossible to figure out what it’s made from if you don’t know. Cashews are the secret ingredient, blended up with a little lemon juice to add the characteristic tangy flavor of cheesecake. This is a simple, easy recipe for no-bake vegan cheesecake:
Raw Crust: 

1 cup pitted dates
2 cups raw almonds
1/16 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 tbsp water


2 1/2 cups raw cashews or macadamia nuts (for nut free, try this Vegan Cheesecake)

1 tbsp vanilla bean paste or 2 tsp pure vanilla extract

1/2 cup raw agave or honey (pure maple syrup also works)

1/4 cup + 1 tbsp melted virgin coconut oil

1/2 cup lemon juice

1/4 cup water, plus more for soaking cashews

1/8 tsp salt

optional: Blend strawberries with a little sweetener of choice for a sauce

optional crust of choice (the crust recipe I used is above)

To make Raw Crust:  

 Line a round 9 inch springform pan with parchment paper
Combine 1 cup pitted dates, 2 cups raw almonds, 1/16 tsp salt, and 1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract in a food processor until fine crumbles form. If the mixture is too dry, add up to 1 tbsp water. (I recommend a food processor because I found that using a blender instead yielded a very sticky crust.)

 To Make Cheesecake:

 In a cereal bowl, cover the cashews with water and let soak 8 hours or overnight. (If using the raw crust recipe listed earlier in this post, you can make that while you wait.)
Drain nuts and pat completely dry.
Combine all ingredients (including the 1/4 cup water) in a high-quality food processor and process for 6-7 minutes or until completely smooth, stopping occasionally to scrape down the sides.
Pour into a prepared crust-Store the raw cheesecake in the freezer for up to 2 weeks, and thaw 15-20 minutes before serving.

Recipe from

Vegan Holiday Beverages
Vegan Hot Cocoa 

Enerhealth’s Cocoa Mojo is perfect for making vegan hot cocoa. This mix is sweetened with organic coconut palm sugar, and infused with medicinal mushrooms (which can’t be tasted in the cocoa). It can be made with almond or coconut milk, or any other non-dairy milk you like.


1-2 tbs Enerhealth Cocoa Mojo Powder
1 cup non-dairy milk of choice
1 tbs Enerhealth Coconut Milk Powder (optional) 


Bring non-dairy milk of choice to a boil (this can be done with the stove or microwave)
Stir in 1-2 tbs Enerhealth Cocoa Mojo Powder

Add in 1 tbs Enerhealth Coconut Milk Powder for a delicious coconut chocolate taste

Vegan Eggnog

If you like eggnog, it’s essential to enjoy at least one cup during the holidays. Try this vegan version, using dates as a sweetener and topped with freshly grated nutmeg.


2 cups Enerfood Coconut Milk Powder or other non-dairy milk of choice
½ cup full fat coconut milk
⅓ cup raw cashews, soaked overnight or for at least 30 minutes (optional)*
4-6 Medjool dates
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg
pinch of ground cinnamon
pinch of ground cloves
pinch of sea salt


Add all of the ingredients to your high speed blender and process until smooth and creamy.
Serve immediately, as is or add spiced rum, bourbon, brandy or whiskey, for a spirited version.
Add a pinch of freshly ground nutmeg on top

*Recipe from
You’ll feel great about indulging in these delicious vegan drinks and desserts. Enjoy! Send your creations of these recipes to [email protected] or tag us on social media @enerhealth_botanicals! 

You Can Seed Your Future Health

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Storing seeds is becoming an almost essential practice in this world where Monsanto and other giants have bought up somewhere around 70% of all the seed companies worldwide. This is important because in order to promote biodiversity, we need more variety rather than less and often the most nutritious varieties are not the prettiest and thus not the most widely available. A friend of mine recently reminded me of a great book by Susanne Ashworth called Seed to Seed that teaches us the best ways to preserve seeds.
As far as where to buy our seeds from, here are a few of my recommendations;,, and There are other seed suppliers out there but these are ones I know and have used.

Benefits of Herbal Supplements for PMS and Menopause

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Herbal supplements have been used for centuries to alleviate various health conditions, including symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). While some herbal supplements may offer potential benefits for managing PMS symptoms, individuals do not react the same way to any herbal product. One must pay attention to o body and learn what is effective in your particular situation and what is not. We have worked with so many women dealing with painful PMS and also Menopause issues. Some of the herbs I will discuss today are effective for both issues.
Herbal Supplements for PMS and Menopause
Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus): Chasteberry is often used to alleviate PMS symptoms such as breast pain, bloating, irritability, and mood swings. It may help regulate hormonal imbalances by influencing the release of certain hormones in the brain. This ingredient is used in many formulas including that of Enerhealth Botanicals, Womenopause. Some women find it very beneficial, and others do not. My wife for instance can’t take this herbal supplement in formulations. (Find this herb in our Female Hormone Balance Blend, Womenopause).
Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis): Dong Quai is commonly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to address menstrual problems and PMS symptoms. It is believed to have hormonal balancing effects and may help with mood swings, cramps, and irregular periods. This herb also has potential benefits in dealing with Menopause. (Find this herb in our Womenopause). 
Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa): Black cohosh has been used traditionally to manage menopausal symptoms, but it may also have benefits for PMS. It is thought to have anti-inflammatory properties and might help alleviate mood swings, hot flashes, and sleep disturbances. This ingredient is used in blends specifically for women at Enerhealth Botanicals.
St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum): St. John's Wort is a well-known herb for its potential antidepressant properties. Some studies suggest that it may help improve mood and alleviate symptoms of depression or anxiety associated with PMS. While this herb is the bane of cattle ranchers, cows can die from ingesting this one, it has the potential to calm the nerves and improve moods. It is effective as a single herb in tincture and is also incorporated into many blends that favor soothing emotional trauma. (Find this herb in our Womenopause Blend)
Ginger (Zingiber officinale): Ginger has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which may help alleviate menstrual cramps associated with PMS. It may also help with nausea and digestive issues that can occur during this time. I would say that no matter what the issue, Ginger is a great addition to one’s health regimen. It is a great digestif. (Find this herb in our Women's Daily Vitality)
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla): Chamomile has soothing properties and is often consumed as tea. It may help alleviate anxiety, irritability, and promote relaxation during PMS. What a great herb for relaxation in general. Many cultures promote chamomile tea before bedtime to promote relaxation and sleep.
Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus): Raspberry leaf tea is commonly used to support women's reproductive health. It may help regulate menstrual cycles and relieve cramps associated with PMS. This herb has a historical use for urinary tract issues and for certain women can be highly effective when used properly. (Find this herb in our Female Hormone Balance Blend)
Turmeric (Curcuma longa): Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory properties. It may help reduce inflammation, bloating, and pain associated with PMS. Eat turmeric every day, use it as a spice or take it as a tincture. Enerhealth Botanicals makes a unique spagyric turmeric tincture.
Cramp bark (Viburnum opulus): is an herb that is commonly used to help alleviate menstrual cramps, including those associated with PMS. It is also known by other names such as guelder rose or snowball tree. Cramp bark has a long history of traditional use for various women's health issues, including menstrual cramps. 
Cramp bark contains compounds that are believed to have antispasmodic properties, meaning they can help relax smooth muscle tissue, including the muscles of the uterus. By promoting muscle relaxation, cramp bark may help reduce the intensity and frequency of uterine contractions, thereby alleviating cramps.
While scientific evidence on the effectiveness of cramp bark specifically for PMS is limited, it is often included in herbal formulas or consumed as a tea or tincture to help manage menstrual cramps. Some individuals find relief from their PMS-related cramps by using cramp bark, but individual responses may vary. We see many women purchase Cramp bark tincture at Enerhealth Botanicals, word must be getting out.
As always, it's recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified herbalist before using cramp bark or any herbal supplement to ensure it is appropriate for your specific situation and to determine the correct dosage. They can provide personalized advice based on your health history and any other medications or conditions you may have.
Black Cohosh has Central Opioid Activity in Postmenopausal Women: Evidence from Naloxone Blockade and PET Neuroimaging Studies - PMC (
Complementary and alternative medicine for menopausal symptoms: a review of randomized, controlled trials - PubMed (
Analysis of thirteen populations of black cohosh for formononetin - PubMed (

Treatment for the premenstrual syndrome with agnus castus fruit extract: prospective, randomised, placebo controlled study - PMC (
Traditional Medicinal Uses, Phytochemistry, Biological Properties, and Health Applications of Vitex sp - PubMed (
Estrogenic activity of herbs commonly used as remedies for menopausal symptoms - PubMed (
Evaluation of estrogenic activity of plant extracts for the potential treatment of menopausal symptoms - PubMed (
The effect of Hypericum perforatum on postmenopausal symptoms and depression: A randomized controlled trial - ScienceDirect
The effect of Hypericum perforatum on postmenopausal symptoms and depression: A randomized controlled trial - ScienceDirect
The effect of Matricaria chamomile on menstrual related mood disorders - ScienceDirect
The effect of Matricaria chamomile on menstrual related mood disorders - PubMed (
10 Best Teas for Menopause Hot Flashes & Other Symptoms (
Red raspberry leaf tea: Nurition, benefits, and how to use (
Botanicals and Their Bioactive Phytochemicals for Women’s Health - PMC (
Viburnum opulus - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Effects of a Herbal Formulation on Premenstrual Symptoms: A Randomized Controlled Trial - ScienceDirect

The First Area of the Brain Alcohol Affects

Posted By Wyoming on Health - Once alcohol is consumed it is quickly absorbed by the body. Doctors say that alcohol gets to the brain within 5 minutes after you drink it. Have you ever thought about how alcohol can influence your brain?...More

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting in Perimenopause: Science-Backed Evidence to Empower Your Body

Posted By dddkth on Health - Discover the powerful benefits of intermittent fasting for perimenopause. Boost energy, balance hormones, and shed excess weight.
The post Benefits of Intermittent Fasting in Perimenopause: Science-Backed Evidence to Empower Your Body appeared first on Perfect Fasting Now.

What is Gonorrhea: How to Prevent it, Symptoms, Risks and Treatment

Posted By Wellyme on Health - Sep 22, 2024 - Health - Gonorrhea, also known as blenorrhagia or blenorrhea, is a prevalent sexually transmitted disease worldwide. It is an infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which...

The Problems with Testosterone Replacement Therapies

Posted By invigormedical on Health - As most men know, their primary sex hormone is called testosterone.  It’s responsible for sexual differentiation into a male during gestation, and continues to play an important role throughout life.  Testosterone triggers male genital growth and development, as well as other bodily changes during puberty.  Throughout adult life, it is a critical component in male […]The post The Problems with Testosterone Replacement Therapies appeared first on Invigor Medical.

Lipo Injections: Reviews and Thoughts

Posted By invigormedical on Health - Have you struggled with your weight your whole life? Or maybe recently you’ve put on a few extra pounds and can’t seem to lose that extra weight? Lipotropic injections may be just the weight loss solution that you’ve been searching for, but it’s understandable that you may want to know more to better understand what […]The post Lipo Injections: Reviews and Thoughts appeared first on Invigor Medical.