Published Blogs

Optimal Nutrition for Athletes

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - Optimal Nutrition for Athletes The recent narrative review on athletes’ nutritional demands provides an in-depth exploration of the various nutritional strategies that can significantly impact an athlete’s performance, recovery, and overall wellbeing. Authored by Adam Amawi and colleagues, the study was published in Frontiers in Nutrition and highlights the crucial...
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The Effectiveness of Yoga for Menopausal Symptoms

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - Menopause brings a host of symptoms that can affect a woman’s physical and emotional wellbeing. Yoga has emerged as a valuable tool in managing these symptoms, offering both relief and improved quality of life. Recent research highlights the effectiveness of yoga in reducing anxiety, depression, and other psychological challenges associated...
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The Power of Rhythm with Exercise to Music

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - We are constantly seeking innovative ways to elevate our clients’ exercise experiences and improve their results. One such tool where research has always shown positive results is the incorporation of music into workout routines. The marriage of exercise and music is not just about creating an enjoyable atmosphere; it has...
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12 Skills That Will Get You Nowhere in Your Career: Avoid These at All Costs!

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - In the journey of career growth, knowing what to avoid is as important as knowing what to pursue. It could be your strategy, the way you see yourself, or even your skills. When it comes to your career, your skills ... Read More

Pilates for Enhanced Strength Training

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - Pilates for Enhanced Strength Training In the evolving world of sports science, the pursuit of optimal training methods continues to drive research and innovation. One such exploration is the integration of Pilates into athletic training programs, renowned for its focus on core strength and muscular endurance. This article delves into...
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The Impact of Leisure-Time Physical Activity Intensity on Mortality

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - The recommendations on the physical activity levels required for optimal health have always been a focal point in the fitness world. While the physical activity guidelines have highlighted specific recommendations over the years, the question still arises: How much vigorous and moderate physical activity is associated with lower mortality? A...
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The Cognitive and Psychological Benefits of Outdoor Exercise

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - Exercising in nature offers unique cognitive and psychological benefits that go beyond the physical gains of traditional workouts. Recent studies reveal that outdoor activities can significantly enhance brain function and mental health. This article explores these findings in depth, providing fitness professionals with evidence-based insights on how to incorporate outdoor...
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11 Surprising Thrift Store Purchases Worth Big Bucks

Posted By pjunktion on DIY - Not a thrift store shopper? Maybe you should be. Join the league of thrift store lovers who have found cool and often expensive things like rare paintings, vintage clothing, and Renaissance-era furniture. You shouldn't have any trouble finding a thrift store in your city.  Thrift Store Shopping In my town, there are many, including The...
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Leveraging Co-Creation to Increase Customer Retention

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - Pioneering research “The Influence of Co-Creation on Trust and Loyalty in Personal Trainer Services” was published on 1st November 2022 and stressed the significance of co-creation within the personal training industry. This article elaborates on the findings of the study and relates useful insights to personal trainers for enhancing the...
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Unlocking Better Performance Through Improved Mobility

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - As fitness professionals and personal trainers, we are well aware of the importance of mobility training to improve exercise performance and reduce the risk of injuries. However, there are lesser-known aspects of mobility that can significantly impact our clients’ progress and elevate their athletic abilities. In this article, we will...
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Strength & Conditioning Training for Women: A Hormonal Insight

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - Strength & conditioning training has long been associated with improved physical performance and overall wellbeing. However, the unique effects of such training on women’s hormonal balance have only recently been fully explored. For fitness professionals and personal trainers, understanding these effects can be a critical tool in creating individualised and...
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The Power of Interval Training

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - Interval training, characterized by alternating periods of high-intensity effort and recovery, has long been recognized for its efficiency in improving cardiovascular fitness and overall health. Recent studies have further explained the multifaceted benefits of this training approach, reinforcing its application across various levels of physical fitness and athletic needs. Proven...
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Encouraging Inactive Individuals to Embrace Physical Activity

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - As fitness professionals, we often encounter the challenge of motivating inactive individuals to start and maintain a regular exercise regimen. A recent study, “The Effectiveness of an Autonomy-Based Exercise Training on Intrinsic Motivation, Physical Activity Intention, and Health-Related Fitness of Sedentary Students in Middle School” by Behrouz Sfandyari et al.,...
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Grip Variation in Deadlift Training

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - Strength and Conditioning (S&C) coaches play a pivotal role in enhancing athletes’ performance through scientifically backed training methodologies. One key area of focus is the deadlift, a fundamental compound exercise that targets multiple muscle groups. The choice of grip in deadlifts is not merely a matter of preference but can...
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13 Surprising Ways to Repurpose Old Door Knobs

Posted By pjunktion on DIY - Repurpose old door knobs in ways you never imagined. From DIY home decor projects to creative storage solutions, you will be inspired by these fun ideas. I’m a fan of the door knob photo holders and the curtain rod finials. What about you? Which were your favorites? Leave a note if you have time, and...
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Postmenopausal Women’s Metabolic Syndrome Management

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - The prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in postmenopausal women is a growing concern, characterised by a cluster of conditions like increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol levels. These factors elevate the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. A...
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10 Views on Travel That Are Highly Controversial Among Jet Setters

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - One of the fringe benefits of being a jet setter is the experience that's developed over time. Knowing the ins and outs of traveling saves money, time, and effort. There's a lot to learn from the wealth of knowledge these ... Read More

The 10 Most Affordable States to Retire in Style Without Breaking the Bank

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Tired of watching your retirement dreams vanish in a cloud of expensive living costs? Just when you thought retirement in the United States was only for the wealthy, here's a reality check: certain states allow retirees to enjoy their golden years ... Read More

Here are Some of The Top Resorts in Belize

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - When you plan an island getaway, finding the best spot to check all the boxes is challenging. Belize is a getaway that does not disappoint. It has everything from stunning white sand beaches and turquoise waters to its mysterious rainforests ... Read More

11 Trashy Things You Should Never Throw Away And Here's Why

Posted By pjunktion on DIY - Are you guilty of throwing things in the garbage or recycle bin that you could easily upcycle into trendy home decor? I used to toss this stuff out but not anymore. Upcycling throwaways is a great way to save money and also show our creativity. What do you think of these Unique DIY  home decor...
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