Published Blogs

Stress & Anxiety – How does it affect sleep and recovery (Oura-experiment)

Posted By Ilmostromberg 1364 days ago on all - It's commonly known not to exercise late evening because that will affect sleep quality. What about a stressful and exciting event without physical exertion?

I regularly had this kind of event on Tuesdays. I participated in Improv classes for a few years (class ends at 21.15 or 21.45).

My body reacts strongly when performing in front of an audience. We can see that from the Garmin watch that measures daily stress, I'm on the same level as after one hour run.

I begin to investigate this with the following hypothesis:

1) Big stress spike in the evening will affect my sleep quality and recovery
2) On the second day, I will see good numbers on readiness (HRV & Heart rate)

Master Badassery: 21 Ways To Be A True Badass

Posted By jronc23 1364 days ago on Body and Mind - You hear the word a lot, and you wouldn’t mind at all if someone used it to describe you. But the question remains: exactly what is a badass? And why is being a badass something you should aspire to?  More to the point, what if you don’t feel like a badass, but you’d still like ...
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The post Master Badassery: 21 Ways To Be A True Badass appeared first on Live Bold and Bloom.

Having troubles with working remotely? These 6 tools that can make your life easier.

Posted By supermonitoring 1363 days ago on Communication - Remote work will continue to rise in the coming years. And, as a manager, you need to take advantage of it – sooner rather than later. While it’s evident that your employees can benefit from this option, you can too.

11 Top Signs Of An Emotionally Stunted Man

Posted By jronc23 1363 days ago on Body and Mind - You have your suspicions, which others have subtly (or not so subtly) confirmed. Yet you don’t want to believe your boyfriend is an emotionally stunted man.  True, he has a complicated relationship with his mother. But you’ve always thought mother issues in males would result in the kind of person you wouldn’t dream of dating.  ...
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The post 11 Top Signs Of An Emotionally Stunted Man appeared first on Live Bold and Bloom.

The Top 10 Scenes Featuring Meadow and Tony Soprano

Posted By srosendorfdiaz 1361 days ago on Personal - Meadow & Tony Soprano, S.01, E.05, “College” Meadow and Tony Soprano. Where do I even begin? The quintessential father-daughter combo, Meadow’s proud of her close relationship with her father. Though that doesn’t mean she and Tony never butt heads, particularly over issues like race and the disenfranchised. In both good times and bad, they made …
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The post The Top 10 Scenes Featuring Meadow and Tony Soprano appeared first on Sopranos Blueprint.

How To Pet A Cat | The Do’s And Don’t On How To Show Love To Your Feline Friends

Posted By TheDiscerningCat 1361 days ago on Pets - Our fluffy feline friends are aloof, yet lovable parts of our lives. We tend to shower them with attention and affection when we get the opportunity to do so. But, contrary to what some cat-parents may think, not all cats enjoy this physical affection we so desperately want to show. So how to pet a [...]

What Does It Mean When A Cat Rubs Against You? Is It Good or Bad?

Posted By TheDiscerningCat 1360 days ago on Pets - If you’re a cat owner, you’ve likely wondered why cats rub against one person but not another. Your fluffy companion might greet you at the door and rub against your legs, but be aloof when your partner or friend enters through the same door. Why do they do this? What does it mean when a [...]

The Sopranos Quotes Executive Game: Who Said it?

Posted By srosendorfdiaz 1359 days ago on Personal - Quotes from both major and minor cast members on The Sopranos undoubtedly contributed to the show’s greatness. How familiar are you with some of the classic, and less well-known, Sopranos lines? Take my latest “Executive Game” quotes quiz. Enjoy! Stay connected by subscribing to my blog or following me on social media. I’d love to …
The Sopranos Quotes Executive Game: Who Said it? Read More »
The post The Sopranos Quotes Executive Game: Who Said it? appeared first on Sopranos Blueprint.

Pinterest SEO – The Comprehensive Guide

Posted By erikemanuelli 1359 days ago on all - This guide explains how to perfect Pinterest SEO. By the time you are done reading this comprehensive action plan, you’ll know how to optimize your Pinterest pins, Pinterest boards, and your website in order to generate boatloads of Pinterest traffic.

Are you ready to learn how to use Pinterest SEO?

Why Does My Cat Sit On Me? 8 Reasons Why

Posted By TheDiscerningCat 1359 days ago on Pets - You’re all snug and settled on the sofa, or typing away at your laptop, and suddenly, your adorable kitty jumps onto your lap, curls into a ball, and purrs away peacefully. Many ponder the question, “Why does my cat sit on me?”. There are many ways to express oneself in cat word. Cats like to [...]

13 Positive Signs He Will Come Back After Breaking Up

Posted By jronc23 1359 days ago on Body and Mind - No matter how many times someone tells you, “If he loves you, he will come back no matter what,” you still have doubts. If he gave you any signs he was likely to return, you didn’t see them.  That’s about to change. After reading this post, you’ll recognize the signs he will come back after ...
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The post 13 Positive Signs He Will Come Back After Breaking Up appeared first on Live Bold and Bloom.

Jamming on The Noisy Mushroom (Bugera 6260 Amp + Fender 1×12 Cabinet)

Posted By clifhaley 1358 days ago on Humor - A short little jam on my new-to-me Bugera 6260 amp I bought from a buddy of mine. It’s running through a small Fender 1×12 cabinet. Because the amp head is so big that it overhangs the small cabinet when placed on top I call it The Noisy Mushroom. Bugera Amps: Fender 1×12:
The post Jamming on The Noisy Mushroom (Bugera 6260 Amp + Fender 1×12 Cabinet) appeared first on Clif Haley.

Why Do Cats Purr When You Stroke Them? A Purr-fect Mystery

Posted By TheDiscerningCat 1358 days ago on Pets - If your purr-fect little kitty is purring – melodious, vibrating, continuous sounds – it’s a sure sign they’re content. It’s also the most common sound cats make compared to other sounds such as meowing, chirping, hissing, growling, and chattering. When your feline is all curled up in the sun or sitting on your lap you [...]