New Humor

LASIK: A Visionary Vision for the Future of Your Vision

Posted By clifhaley 740 days ago on Humor - If you’ve been thinking about getting LASIK eye surgery to correct your vision but are nervous about the procedure, don’t worry. There is really nothing to fear. LASIK is an extremely efficient and simple procedure that merely involves strapping your head down to a table in a darkened room and then efficiently and simply shaving […]
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Queasy Rider: How to Survive Riding a Motorcycle by Going Very, Very Slow

Posted By clifhaley 756 days ago on Humor - For some unknown reason, despite thoroughly cleaning out my ears daily, every morning my right ear appears to have been used as Madame Tussaud’s scrap bucket overnight. There’s a fresh new batch of wax in my right ear large enough to open up one of those quaint New England candle shops with names like Ye […]
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Retail Chain Launches Fleet of Robot Customers to Automate Bullshit Demands on Staff

Posted By clifhaley 770 days ago on Humor - Big box retail chain Glutmart announced today via company-wide memo that they will be automating bullshit demands on staff with the help of a fleet of high-tech robots.
Through hours of rigorous machine learning, these robots have fine-tuned their AI’s sensors and grommets to perform dumbass customer behavior almost as well as normal human dumbass customers.
Furthermore, the robots are expected to actually exceed human customer behavior within 15 years…
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7 Sound Financial Tips Anyone Can Probably Read

Posted By clifhaley 852 days ago on Humor - According to several major news outlets, the economy is in a truly terrible state. Of course, no matter what the state of the economy is, major news outlets always tell us it’s in a truly terrible state.¹ We could all be reading this on gold-plated iPads while man servants clip our toenails and major news […]
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Thrimbal Scrumpwiffle and the Toad Squash Gourds

Posted By clifhaley 864 days ago on Humor - In a tree by a brook is where Thrimbal Scrumpwiffle the Forest Imp lived. He lived peacefully, unmolested by beasts or kingsmen. He lived happy days, catching tadpoles and water skimmers and, through very little effort, making friends of them all. Thrimbal, you see, was known by few, but beloved by almost all whom he encountered, for he was a simple soul who sought only friendship. But, if you were to cross Thrimbal, to disturb his generally mild but easily upset temper, he would become very angry. Very angry indeed. And this, I’m afraid, is where our story of Thrimbal begins.
“What the f**k did you just say to me?!” Thrimbal shouted. “Listen, you little punk b*tch, I’ve just about had it with your bullsh*t!”
Simpwhim took a nervous step back. “I-I’m sorry, Thrimbal. Please, f-forgive me. I am but a tiny Moss Gnome of the Gilded Swamps of — ”
“Shut your f**king face!” Thrimbal snapped, slicing through the air with his razor sharp dagger just inches from Simpwhim’s nose. “Now, I’ll ask you one last time. Was it you who trod upon my Brownie Flowers and Summermint Blossoms?!”
Simpwhim could feign innocence no more. Hanging his head, he whimpered, “Yes, Thrimbal. It was me. I didn’t admit it before because — ”
Thrimbal slapped the Moss Gnome swiftly across the face. “Because you’re a b*tch,” he stated matter-of-factly. “Now get the f**k off my property and tomorrow, before the noon hour, bring me a bushel of Toad Squash Gourds as recompense, or I’ll gut you.”
“Yes. Yes, I shall,” Simpwhim said, then darted away, leaving a faint aroma of the urine he’d besmirched his breeches with hanging in the air.
“Oh, Whisperton, what am I to do with my Brownie Flowers and Summermint Blossoms now?” Thrimbal said, turning to his dear Zephyr Fairy friend who now hovered by his head, having heard the commotion and come to investigate.
“Not know,” Whisperton the Zephyr Fairy squeaked. “Ruined they be.”
Thrimbal sighed. “Yes. I do suppose so. Let’s go befriend yon tadpoles and water skimmers!”
“Huzzah!” Wisperton piped, and off they bounded toward the Reedwood Pond, tadpole treats and water skimmer nectar in hand.
The following day Thrimbal was quite pleased to see that Simpwhim had brought not just one, but two, bushels of Toad Squash Gourds. “Oh, Simpwhim, you have pleased me so!” he shouted. “Your guts you shall most assuredly keep within you.”
And thus it was that young Thrimbal Scrumpwiffle the Forest Imp ended up with a total sh*tload of Toad Squash Gourds.
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no title

Posted By clifhaley 875 days ago on Humor - To say their description of me under my photo in the newspaper back then was unflattering is to put it mildly:

His face was cursed by an ever-rupturing landscape of dire acne-ism; his cheeks slick with the discharge of pustules at all times.

This has nothing to do with the fact that I’d come in first place in the state high school ping-pong finals, which the article was actually about. The photo under which this caption is placed is of me proudly holding aloft my 1st place ribbon!
The headline had rather innocuously read:

Local High Schooler Wins 1st Place at State Ping-Pong Finals

And yet the very first line of the article is:

Tim Hawthorne (15), a malodorous local troglodyte, has thwarted its competition at a ping-pong tourney this past week’s end, despite suffering gravely from rectal scabies and head lice.

Lies! Does that seem fair to you? Even all these years later (I’m 48 now!) I find it hard to forget the cruelty of those words. And also these words from the very same opening paragraph:

His, parents, quite clearly drunk, were overjoyed to see their cognitively degraded genetic mistake prove victorious. They declined to be interviewed, however, citing an urgent need to “shoot meth into our eyeballs behind the Porta-Potties.”

None of this is true! My parents have not once done meth! They don’t even drink! And it goes on like this for 573 words on the front page of the newspaper, concluding with:

It should be noted, and hopefully appreciated, that it is indeed no small miracle this reporter was able to attend the sporting match considering her own son, Thad Stone (14) — who, himself, aspired to be on the ping-pong team — was unable to participate, having been displaced at tryouts by none other than the nit-infested Tim Hawthorne, who managed to win even while being covered with weeping lesions from countless sexually transmitted diseases.

I wish I could understand the reporter’s motive for maligning me so. I’ve reached out to the newspaper several times over the years, and no one there can ever provide me satisfactory answers. It shall, I suppose, remain a sad mystery forever.
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Tim Hawthorne: State Finals Ping-Pong Champion

Posted By clifhaley 877 days ago on Humor - To say their description of me under my photo in the newspaper back then was unflattering is to put it mildly: His face was cursed by an ever-rupturing landscape of dire acne-ism; his cheeks slick with the discharge of pustules at all times. This has nothing to do with the fact that I’d come in […]
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Oh, To Think Like a Bird

Posted By clifhaley 883 days ago on Humor - Sitting out here in my backyard on mild fall days listening to the sounds of nature, I often wonder what it would be like to think like a bird. My guess is that it would be terrible. For one, I’d probably get fired. I’m fairly certain no level of bird thinking could get my job […]
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10 UNBELIEVEABLE Facts About America

Posted By clifhaley 894 days ago on Humor - #1 If you turn off the lights and say “Murica!” three times, when you turn the lights back on, Thomas Jefferson will appear and present you with a coupon for $5 off at the nearest Cracker Barrel restaurant (only one per patriot allowed.) #2 While fireworks may have been invented by the Chinese in the […]
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BREAKING: “Golf Ball-Sized Hailstone” Officially Adopted as Scientific Unit of Measurement

Posted By clifhaley 917 days ago on Humor - An announcement by the Scientific Coalition on Universal Measurements (SCUM) to adopt “golf ball-sized hailstone” as an official scientific unit of measurement shook the scientific community to its core* today. I sat down with SCUM’s director, Dr. Winston Tugshaft, to learn more. ME: Based on this new development, how large would you say this rock […]
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BREAKING: &quot;Golf Ball-Sized Hailstone” Officially Adopted as Scientific Unit of Measurement

Posted By clifhaley 918 days ago on Humor - An announcement by the Scientific Coalition on Universal Measurements (SCUM) to adopt “golf ball-sized hailstone” as an official scientific unit of measurement shook the scientific community to its core* today. I sat down with SCUM’s director, Dr. Winston Tugshaft, to learn more.
ME: Based on this new development, how large would you say this rock I found outside is?
DR. TUGSHAFT: Roughly the size of a golf ball-sized hailstone.
ME: Interesting. And what about this?
DR. TUGSHAFT: What is that?
ME: It’s a golf ball.
DR. TUGSHAFT: That appears to be about the size of a golf ball-sized hailstone, but more precise observations could tell us more.
As one might expect, the meteorology community couldn’t be happier. “We couldn’t be happier,” said Dr. Patricia Thirp, head of Marginal Accuracy at the Meteorology Institute of Lower Gruntsville, Texas. “We’ve been going on about golf ball-sized hail for decades. It’s nice to finally see the greater scientific community finally catch on.” When asked if she was surprised at the recent development she stated, “I figured there was a 30% chance of it happening today, with maybe a 20% chance of it happening tomorrow.”
Someone more cynical than myself might merely see this as SCUM’s attempt to keep up with NASA which recently declared “yay high” as its new official measurement of distance; however, in this reporter’s eyes I see only the ongoing and inspiring advancement of our scientific understanding of the universe at an ever-increasing rate**.
*A dense ball of molten pocket protectors roughly the size of 4 trillion golf ball-sized hailstones.
**Technically, 18 quadrillion blinks-of-an-eye per decade.
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Failed Fishing at the Family Hunting Cabin

Posted By clifhaley 920 days ago on Humor - With the Texas outdoor temperatures finally dropping out of Fahrenheit ranges typically only used to melt industrial steel, I decided to get back to nature by spending the weekend with my brother out at our old family hunting cabin situated in the Texas Hill Country near the Pedernales* River. Despite being an old hunting cabin […]
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DALL-E 2 Images: First Day Playing With DALL-E 2

Posted By clifhaley 967 days ago on Humor - Just this morning I received an invitation to use the OpenAI DALLE-E 2 image creating AI. These are some of the prompts I gave it and the images it produced:
“a photo of a robot reading a newspaper”

“a drinking glass full of eyeballs”

“a renaissance painting of superman playing a piano”

“a blueprint drawing of r2-d2”

“a photo of a giant potato in the desert”

“a renaissance painting of r2-d2”

“a tintype photo of a hamster reading a book”

“a photo of an old 1950s refrigerator in a forest”

“a pixel art drawing of a sloth playing an acoustic guitar”

“a comic book drawing of a sloth playing an acoustic guitar”

“a bottle of hand sanitizer flying through space digital art”

“a comic book drawing of zorro playing a guitar”

“a robot dancing with a monkey pixel art”

“hand drawing of a dragon”

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Daily Journal: October 9, 2005

Posted By clifhaley 1047 days ago on Humor - God I hate Ryan! The first thing I’m going to do when the band makes it big is kill him. I’m sooooo sick of the way he looks at me and transmits via telepathic rays “You’re just a big ol’ baby! Baby wanna go poo, poo? Baby wanna ride the magic Wheelbarrow of Happiness to […]
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Daily Journal: February 2, 2012

Posted By clifhaley 1047 days ago on Humor - 12I checked out this great band last night called WarehouseLarry. They sounded like a rocket powered freight train full of Black Sabbath crashing into a nuclear power plant at the speed of light. Awesome show. If I ever start another band I’m going to call it WarehouseHarry, and we’re going to play songs that sound […]
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Daily Journal: March 25, 2014

Posted By clifhaley 1048 days ago on Humor - I met this great girl at the strip club the other night. She’s just like mom except for the stripping and the cocaine and bi-sexuality and the piercings and the mustache and the “big time debt” from the “operation” that she won’t tell me about. she gave me her phone number for ten bucks (what […]
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Daily Journal: April 15, 2018

Posted By clifhaley 1049 days ago on Humor - Well, it’s official: I like corn. It’s taken me years to do it, but I can honestly say now that I like corn. Corn on the cob. Creamed corn. Whole kernel corn. I don’t know why I didn’t like corn for so long. It’s sort of sad, really. All those years I’ve missed enjoying corn. […]
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Alternate McDonald’s Golden Arches Around the World (But Mostly in the United States)

Posted By clifhaley 1098 days ago on Humor - McDonald’s was founded at some point in the past by restaurateur brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald who had a vision to revolutionize the way people gained weight. In order to help their new brand catch on they knew they would need a captivating logo that was both easy to recognize and could be drawn by a chimpanzee. After consulting with many highly regarded “ad men” and paying thousands of dollars to top notch graphic designers and leading-edge branding professionals they settled on a logo that was both dynamic and yellow: a single golden arch. Upon seeing the design the brothers knew they’d found a winner and exclaimed excitedly, “We paid thousands of dollars for this?!”
Several years later, a traveling hula hoop salesman named Ray “Hamburgler” Crock happened to pop into McDonald’s for a bite. He was immediately impressed by the restaurant’s efficiency, quality, and low level of rat feces compared to other “burger joints” of the time (being the 40s or possibly the 50s). He knew what he had to do. After setting his remaining hula hoops on fire in the parking lot he introduced himself to the McDonald’s brothers and offered to help them turn their one little McDonald’s store into a global phenomenon that can’t be escaped no matter where you try to find some goddamn peace and quite on this planet. And this is exactly what he did after swindling them out of all their worldly possessions.
Eventually, McDonald’s became so successful that Ray Crock was able to afford another arch for the signs! In the future, as McDonald’s continues to grow, they plan on adding more arches meaning that in the next 50 years or so you might see a McDonald’s sign with upwards of 327 golden arches, which would certainly be a sight to see and would probably cause major interference with low flying air craft.
While almost all of McDonald’s “Golden Arches” signs these days contain two yellow arches, there are a few alternatives out there. Check them out below before Ray Crock gets wind of these renegades and forces them to fall in line!

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Daily Journal: June 16, 1998

Posted By clifhaley 1156 days ago on Humor - The itch is getting really, really bad now but I’m too embarrassed to go to the doctor! I will DEFINITELY wash the next pair of underwear I buy from a guy on the street! I guess I’ve learned a few things, though. Namely, A) ‘Fruit of the LOAM’ is NOT a major brand, B) if […]
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Ricky Tango, Hawson’s Bovinery Hoof Rendering Floor Supervisor

Posted By clifhaley 1163 days ago on Humor - Hi. My name is Ricky Tango. I work at Hawson’s Bovinery in Teet, TX. Here at Hawson’s Bovinery we do everything that can possibly be done with a cow, and all under one roof. We got a machine that shaves flank steak off the bone right next to a machine that makes genuine leather handbags, […]
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