Fridge Magnet
Posted By Mustards 1882 days ago on Spiritual Blogging -
So here I am blogging, striving to make something from nothing. This is literally what writing is, but it turns out that not everyone has the same idea of what writing is beyond this. For instance, I once came across a Medium article wherein the author pleaded with readers to follow his Instagram and like his selfies, worse still he had a fair number of followers—and this what Medium was all about, followers and endless articles about how to get them... and so we enter a death spiral. I'm not here to give advise, or even get followers. I am here to make something. Something that can make you, the reader, feel something. To me, this is what writing is suppose to be about. So with a bit of help with Blog Engage, I want to make my own medium and I hope you stick around to see what it becomes