Published Blogs

Harriet Tubman: Humanitarian and Civil Rights Activist

Posted By eBrandMe 1022 days ago on all - Harriet Tubman was born Araminta Ross around 1820 in Bucktown, Maryland. She would escape to Pennsylvanian in 1849 and return to Maryland to free her family and others for the next ten years through the Underground Railroad.

"Gourmet” Sandwiches

Posted By clifhaley 1022 days ago on Humor - Originally published November 18, 2004
I just had Subway for lunch and I was once again surprised at how much it didn’t suck.
I was never really a big fan of Subway sandwiches back before their big make over; before they decided to sell meats made from animals that actually exist in nature and offer more than one flavor of bread. Remember the OLD Subway with that one limp roll of bread and the cold cuts of meat-ish product that you could ball up and bounce off walls? Well, take it from me, the NEW AND IMPROVED Subway is MUCH better. So I’ve been eating of this new Subway for a couple of weeks now and have been quite pleased.
My favorite sub shop here in town (being Austin, Texas) is Delaware Subs. Delaware Subs offers gigantic sandwiches crafted from AUTHENTIC east coast recipes. They even offer these tiny little over-priced sugar infused cupcakes called Tasty Cakes that, apparently, only grow naturally “up North.” These little cupcakes are so rich in sugar they can rot an elephant tusk from twenty-five feet away.
I do like sub sandwiches. If I had to rank the sub shops here in Austin from what I would eat first to what I would eat last, I would have to say. . .

Delaware Subs.
A heaping wheelbarrow full of mammal feces.
Thundercloud Subs.

As you have probably gathered from the above ranking, I am not a huge fan of Thundercloud Subs. Nope. They are absolutely the worst. The strange thing, though, is that they are incredibly popular here. I don’t understand why. . .
Thundercloud Subs are small, over-priced, made from substances that barely pass as meat and more often probably pass as stones or polyps, and their shops are staffed by hippies. And by hippies I mean hirsute men and women who travel in visible hazes of body odor and patchulli and very rarely take the time to pluck various insects and wildlife from their dreadlocks, not your typical modern day hippie who doesn’t even have a job.
And now even 7-11 has gotten into the sub sandwich business offering sandwiches made from, and they really say this, “gourmet” meats and breads, which makes me wonder: Who stood by and let 7-11 bend “gourmet” over a barrell and rape the meaning out of it? Why, back in my day, you couldn’t even use the word “gourmet” in a sentence unless you had an off shore bank account and at least ten servants just to pick your nose for you. Boy, those were the days!
UPDATE 2021: Since this was originally written back in 2004 Delaware Subs’ quality has gone downhill faster than an overweight manatee on a skateboard. Their former greatness has been usurped by the far superior Tucci’s Southside Subs.
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“Gourmet” Sandwiches

Posted By clifhaley 1021 days ago on Humor - Originally published November 18, 2004 I just had Subway for lunch and I was once again surprised at how much it didn’t suck. I was never really a big fan of Subway sandwiches back before their big make over; before they decided to sell meats made from animals that actually exist in nature and offer […]
The post “Gourmet” Sandwiches appeared first on Clif Haley.

2021 Yamaha Electone Arrangement 5: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

Posted By ScribblingGeek 1021 days ago on Entertainment - The post 2021 Yamaha Electone Arrangement 5: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen appeared first on The Scribbling Geek.
Downloadable Electone sheet music and registrations for God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, Jazz quartet version. Please enjoy and Merry Christmas!
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Best Way to Grow Your Business Through Online

Posted By ivanpw 1021 days ago on Business - Nowadays, when consumers want or need information on something, they do not go to the yellow pages or the local newspaper, they search for it on the internet using a web browser, or as it has become popular today to use an AI device to find it for them. What this means for those who own businesses is that there is a whole new way to grow and expand your business and that is to realize the importance of strategically positioning yourself in the online market.Jimmy Huh SEO can help you expand your company’s online presence, improve your position in the search engine rankings, and eventually to increase the income generated by your company.…The post Best Way to Grow Your Business Through Online appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

2021 Netflix Christmas Movie Binge

Posted By ScribblingGeek 1019 days ago on Entertainment - The post 2021 Netflix Christmas Movie Binge appeared first on The Scribbling Geek.
After staying away for 4 years, I indulged in another Netflix Christmas movie binge. Here are mini-reviews for the titles I’ve watched this year.
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Investing in Cryptocurrency in 2022

Posted By parentportfolio 1019 days ago on Finance - It might feel like you’ve missed the boat if you’re still not investing in cryptocurrency in 2022. Every time you hear about someone who’s earned thousands (or in some cases millions) from their investments, you probably feel a pain in your chest from all that missed opportunity. But while it can seem like the probability … Investing in Cryptocurrency in 2022 Read More »

Looking For Work? Different Types of Careers In the Construction Industry

Posted By harleenas 1018 days ago on all - Have you considered a job in the construction industry? You get to choose from many options in this evergreen and growing industry. Get an idea about the construction jobs.

More on the blog. :)

Movie Review – Sing 2

Posted By ScribblingGeek 1018 days ago on Entertainment - The post Movie Review – Sing 2 appeared first on The Scribbling Geek.
Sing 2 review. Not just a repeat of the winning formula from 2016, and with twice the exuberance and enthusiasm.
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10 Tips to Help Break The Debt Cycle

Posted By parentportfolio 1017 days ago on Finance - Just like visiting the dentist or having your car towed, the debt cycle can add unwanted stress to your life. Taking on some debt can be beneficial, allowing you to invest in your future by getting a college education or buying a home. But every debt you borrow will eventually need to be repaid. In … 10 Tips to Help Break The Debt Cycle Read More »

45 Best New Year’s Quotes To Inspire You

Posted By thecentsofmoney 1017 days ago on Finance - A new year is going to be rung in soon. Change may be difficult but good planning can be positively meaningful. This past year, our family experienced changes as our children approach their college years. We visited colleges with Tyler, ... Read More

Mother In Law Suite: 8 Key Things To Consider Before Adding a New Space

Posted By parentportfolio 1016 days ago on Finance - Are you considering adding a mother in law suite to the floor plan of your single-family home? Or, are you in the process of buying a home with a mother-in-law apartment to make some rental income? Congratulations! You’re in the right spot to determine if adding a mother in law is a worthwhile investment. What … Mother In Law Suite: 8 Key Things To Consider Before Adding a New Space Read More »

Ten Commandments of The Virtues Of Work

Posted By thecentsofmoney 1016 days ago on Finance - “Choose a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Mark Twain We initially wrote this post for Labor Day, we like to celebrate the virtues of work all year round.  In ... Read More

What is a Loft? 10 Key Things To Consider For Next Dream Move

Posted By parentportfolio 1015 days ago on Finance - Are you curious to know “what is a loft” and are interested to learn more about loft living? Do you imagine lofts as a sleek and stylish place with vaulted ceilings overlooking downtown New York City? Before you pack your bags and pick out dining room furniture in the loft, check out these ten essential … What is a Loft? 10 Key Things To Consider For Next Dream Move Read More »

A Few Words on the Economy

Posted By clifhaley 1015 days ago on Humor - Originally published November 23, 2004
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the American economy lately. Specifically about that part of the American economy that involves my wallet, because that specific part has recently become what we in economic circles refer to as “empty.” There are a lot of economic factors that I could blame this on. Take Recession, for instance. I could easily blame my lack of money on Recession. “Recession,” I could easily say, “is causing me so much stress that I have to buy twice the amount of beer for relaxation purposes, and as a result, have far less money to spend on more important things like rent or liver transplants.” So I sat down the other day and came up with a few ideas on how we can “stimulate the economy” by increasing consumer activity across a broad spectrum of the economic landscape and possibly robbing people at gunpoint.
My first idea is that everyone should invest in the stock market. Granted, the stock market has recently been closing at numbers well below the temperature levels of planets in the outer reaches of the solar system, but this is mainly because of what economists refer to as “@&$%# Enron!” You should take a large chunk of your annual income and invest it in a bunch of stock. You should do this because you make more money than me. My annual income couldn’t support an investment into a box of saltine crackers.
Investing in the stock market in these modern computer-driven days is so easy that even the average Joe can do it, which is probably why the economy is in such poor shape to begin with. People named Joe shouldn’t be allowed to invest in the stock market. People named Joe should be required to consult Financial Advisors, because Financial Advisors usually have very business-like names such as Richard or Edward and are very good at manipulating money whereas most people named Joe are usually only fairly adequate at manipulating the controls on the Tilt-O-Whirl where they work.
Another way to bring the economy up to speed is to buy everything you see advertised on television. There are many fine products available to the consumer on television these days ranging from devices that, by sending jolts of electricity directly into your abdominal muscles, can turn them into firm, healthy, spastic knots the size of pellet gun ammunition to devices that can cook a fully grown manatee in under five minutes. These are actually the same device.
One particular product I find to be highly enticing is the Flat Hose, which is a water hose that when not in use becomes flat so that it is easy to roll up. I think buying a couple of these would do wonders to stimulate the economy especially if we used them to tie up Allan Greenspan and said to him in a very calm but serious manner, “Now stimulate the economy dammit or we’re going to inject you full of Epil Stop Hair Remover!”
And this brings me, via no legitimate segue what-so-ever, to my next idea which is getting involved in internet porn. I don’t know about you, but lately I’ve been receiving a lot of unsolicited advertisements for pornographic websites in my email account, specifically my MSN Hotmail account. Sometimes I’ll receive upwards of twenty-five emails a day from guys like [email protected] or gals like [email protected] with subject headings similar to “!!!CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBTS NOW AND WHILE YOU’RE AT IT CHECK OUT SOME FREE PORN FOR ONLY $34.95 A MONTH AT WWW.UNSANITARY-UNDRESSED-NAKED-PEOPLE-DOING-NEARLY-CRIMINAL-ACTS.COM!!!” Apparently, the economy is being very nice to the internet porn industry. Maybe the government should sponsor its own internet porn site featuring sultry, seductive, lurid, glamorous nude photos of, let’s say, Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.
In conclusion, I would like to say that surely you can see here that I have put forth quite a number of feasible actions we might take in order to revive our stagnant economy and that, in addition, I obviously have absolutely no idea of how the economy actually works. I blame this on Recession.
The post A Few Words on the Economy appeared first on Clif Haley.

Chiune Sugihara: The Japanese Diplomat Whose Actions Saved Thousands of Jews

Posted By eBrandMe 1015 days ago on all - What did I learn while researching Chiune Sugihara's life? I learned that in school, the students were taught a code that had three laws: 1) Don’t be a burden to others; 2) Take care of others; 3) Do not expect rewards for your goodness. I learned that it’s always possible to stand up for what you think is right… but what made Hitler think that he was in his actions?

The SEO Community Feels Blindsided By November 2021 Core Update

Posted By erikemanuelli 1015 days ago on all - Google recently announced the November 2021 core update. The timing of the announcement on November 17th, 2021, has sparked some debate among the SEO community. Google had launched the November 2021 core update on that day.