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5 Trends Small Business Owners Should Monitor In 2023

Posted By ivanpw 350 days ago on Business - The post 5 Trends Small Business Owners Should Monitor In 2023 appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.

After surviving the pandemic for almost two years, many business owners considered 2022 the year of recovery. Surprisingly 71% of small and medium businesses survived the pandemic by going digital, which is why monitoring and adapting to market trends is crucial. But fears of recession, inflation, and unreliable supply chain are all the challenges still looming, dampening business goals.

photo credit: George Morina / Pexels

While nobody knows if the recession will loosen its grip on the economy, it is certainly fair to say that small businesses are resilient enough to survive the challenge. Indeed, 2023 is the year of small business owners betting on themselves while focusing on the external environment factors within their control, such as embracing the latest business trends.…

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