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Beyond Burger Meat Substitute Review

Posted By clifhaley 1229 days ago on Humor - Last night we had Beyond Burgers. I have to say that they far exceeded my expectations in tasting almost exactly like an imitation meat made largely with beets. I’ve been hearing for months now how closely the Beyond Burger’s flavor resembles that of actual beef, but my experience is that it does not. Now, that is not to say that it tastes bad, and it certainly doesn’t taste like your typical “veggie burger” which usually tastes like a slab of cheap particle board construction material, but it definitely doesn’t tastes very close to beef. There is certainly a subtle beef-like quality to it, but it exists in the same sort of weird uncanny valley wherein Mark Zuckerberg has a subtle human-like quality but is not quite human.

One impressive thing about them is how they cook. They’ve managed to hit a perfect balance between beets, coconut fat, cornmeal, rhubarb, hagberry, or whatever else they put into it to make it cook like a real meat patty. It “bleeds” juices when it cooks the same way a beef patty “bleeds” myglobin and looks just as disgusting to my wife.

Wanting to get the true flavor of the Beyond Burger we didn’t spice them with anything. The next time we have these I think we shall. If it makes a difference I’ll update this review.


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