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Phytosterols: A Natural Aid for High Cholesterol

Posted By Wellyme on Health - Jan 06, 2024 - Nutrition - Phytosterols, a group of naturally occurring compounds found in plant cell membranes, are becoming increasingly recognized for their potential health benefits, particularly in relation to...

How to Protect yourself from Allergies this Spring

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Allergies Vs Cold or Fever:
While seasonal allergies and colds share similar symptoms, they have very different causes. According to the Mayo Clinic, Seasonal allergies are immune system responses triggered by exposure to allergens, while colds are caused by viruses. 
Common Types of Spring Allergies:

Spring is here…and so are the seasonal allergies. As the flowers bloom to fruition, they bring along the allergens with them. Some of the most common types of spring allergens include tree, weed and grass pollen. The pollen is released and small pieces can be easily carried by the wind and insects. 

Another common springtime allergy includes molds and mildew spores. Mold thrives in wet places like fallen leaves, grass and rain. It also thrives in warmer places such as the indoors in bathrooms, kitchens and basements. Not to mention, mold can grow on plants that have grown during the winter. 
Bites from bugs like mosquitos, bees, wasps, and fleas become more common in the spring time due to the warm weather. 

Symptom Check:
Allergy symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of a common cold yet they vary based on location and severity. Spring allergens can trigger symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, coughing, congestion and itchy, watery eyes. 

How to Manage Seasonal Allergies: 
Avoid coming into contact with outside allergens: Controlling your exposure to allergens is one of the best ways to manage your allergies. Using an allergy forecaster can be very helpful as certain weather conditions can increase the severity of allergies. Avoid dry and windy days, as pollen is increased.

Check the pollen count outside by using an allergy forecast
Keep windows and doors closed
Stay indoor when pollen counts are high, dry and windy days, as there is likely in an increase of pollen in the air 
Wear protective clothing when outside

Keep up your hygiene: While it is impossible to completely avoid all allergens, there are many steps you can take when it comes to your personal hygiene that can protect you from allergies.  

Bathe, shower, change clothes after being outdoors
Avoid touching your face eyes and nose
Wash bedding in hot water weekly  
Use zippered allergen impermeable pillow and mattress covers

Keep your air clean: Help reduce the amount of pollen coming into your home by keeping the air clean with air conditioning and dehumidifiers. 

Keep indoor humidity below 50%
Use air conditioning instead of fresh air 
Use a dehumidifier to keep indoor air dry 

Relieve your allergy symptoms: When the allergies do kick in, consider trying natural herbal supplements to lessen the severity of the allergy attack. If your allergy symptoms significantly hinder your daily life, seek consultation from a doctor or allergist for additional help. 

Take natural herbs from Enerhealth Botanicals

Echinosha Elderberry Syrup- A combination of nature's incredible bounty, that can give your immune system a super boost and calm down respiratory passage ways and work to eliminate excessive phlegm.

Nettles Decongesting- Nettle’s herb helps the body deal with the effects of allergens; it works by modulating the body’s inflammatory pathways to support upper respiratory health. This herb also promotes detoxification and healthy blood. 

Honey & Propolis Throat Spray- With resinous propolis and soothing honey, Honey & Propolis Throat Spray coats the throat for long-lasting relief and helps settle coughs. 

Echinacea Blend-  Echinacea is one of the most popular and widely recognized herbs to support a healthy immune system. All species of echinacea contain phenolic compounds, which work in combination to produce immune-enhancing substances. Phenols have antioxidant properties, which have been shown to support overall wellness.

2. Consult with doctor 

Benefits of Mushroom Infused Organic Cocoa

Posted By Enerhealth on Health -  

Mushroom-infused organic cocoa can have several potential benefits, including:

Immune system support: Certain types of mushrooms, such as reishi and chaga, contain beta-glucans, which can help to support the immune system and increase resistance to infections.

Antioxidant properties: Both cocoa and mushrooms contain antioxidants, which can help to protect the body against damage from free radicals.
Mood and energy support: Cocoa contains compounds such as theobromine and caffeine, which can help to boost mood and energy levels. Some mushrooms, such as lion's mane, may also have potential cognitive benefits.
Digestive health: Some mushrooms, such as shiitake, contain prebiotic fibers that can help to support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which can improve digestion and overall gut health.

Anti-inflammatory properties: Certain mushrooms, such as reishi, have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties, which may help to reduce inflammation in the body and support overall health.

It's important to note that the specific benefits of mushroom-infused organic cocoa may depend on the type and amount of mushrooms used, as well as the quality and purity of the cocoa. Enerhealth’s Cocoa Mojo has 6 different mushroom species in the blend as well as the low glycemic sweetener-Coconut Palm Sugar and Organic Peruvian Cocoa.
Additionally, individual responses to mushroom supplements can vary, so it's always a good idea to speak with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplements to your routine.

Exploring The History of Herbalism

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - What is Herbalism?
Herbalism, also known as herbal medicine or botanical medicine, is the practice of using plants and plant extracts for medicinal purposes. It is one of the oldest forms of medicine, dating back thousands of years.
Origins of Herbalism
The history of herbalism can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Chinese, and Greeks. These cultures recognized the healing properties of various plants and developed extensive knowledge about their uses.
Egyptian Influence
In ancient Egypt, herbalism played a significant role in healthcare. The Ebers Papyrus, dating back to 1550 BCE, is one of the oldest known medical texts and contains information about hundreds of medicinal plants. Egyptians used herbs for treating various ailments, including digestive issues, skin problems, and infections.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbal medicine has a rich history that dates back over 2,500 years. The practice is based on the concept of balancing Yin and Yang energies in the body. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) incorporates a wide range of herbs and herbal formulas to restore harmony and promote health.
Greek Contributions
The ancient Greeks, particularly Hippocrates, made significant contributions to the field of herbalism. Hippocrates, often referred to as the "Father of Medicine," emphasized the importance of using plants to treat diseases. He classified hundreds of medicinal plants and documented their therapeutic properties.
The Middle Ages and Renaissance
During the Middle Ages, herbalism continued to flourish, with monks and nuns playing a crucial role in preserving and expanding herbal knowledge. Herbal gardens were established in monasteries, and herbal remedies were used to treat various ailments.
The Renaissance period saw a resurgence of interest in herbalism, with the publication of numerous herbals, such as "Herbarium" by Apuleius Platonicus and "The Grete Herball" by John Gerard. These books provided detailed information about medicinal plants and their uses.
Modern Herbalism
In the 19th and 20th centuries, herbalism faced challenges due to the rise of modern medicine. However, there has been a renewed interest in herbal remedies in recent years, driven by a growing demand for natural and holistic approaches to healthcare.
Today, herbalism is practiced worldwide, with herbalists using a combination of traditional knowledge and scientific research to create effective herbal remedies. Many pharmaceutical drugs have their origins in plant compounds discovered through herbalism.
The Future of Herbalism
As scientific research continues to uncover the therapeutic properties of plants, herbalism is likely to gain even more recognition and acceptance in mainstream healthcare. Integrative medicine approaches that combine conventional medicine with herbal remedies are becoming increasingly popular.
With its rich history and ongoing relevance, herbalism remains a fascinating field that offers a holistic approach to health and well-being.