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Monster Hunters: Sasquatch (2021) Reviewed

Posted By themoviesleuth 1106 days ago on Entertainment -  Photo Courtesy of HuluSeveral iconic, mythological legends throughout American history have had their stories passed from generation to generation: Paul Bunyan, Johnny Appleseed, The Lone Ranger. Yet there is none that has proven to be as alluring and mysterious as the legend of Bigfoot, the ape-like wild-man of the western frontier. While most regard Bigfoot, or Sasquatch, as little more than an elaborate hoax or crazy conspiracy theory, it is certain that Bigfoot has captured the attention of the American people. Sasquatch, a three part docu-series on Hulu, centers on David Holthouse, an investigative journalist who had a frightening experience with Bigfoot in Northern California nearly three decades ago. Now, Holthouse is using his journalistic talents to track down the truth of what happened on a rainy night when two men burst into his cabin ranting and raving about finding the victims of a gruesome murder committed by none other than Bigfoot himself. True crime documentaries have been a hit with the American public in recent years, between Making a Murderer and Tiger King, it seems that a new true crime series releases nearly every week. Sasquatch is more than the typical true crime offering. Where most true crime series present a retrospective look at an event that has already happened, with eye witnesses giving their accounts, police officers detailing their procedures, and oftentimes the perpetrator themselves being involved in the production, Sasquatch is an ongoing investigation to discover the truth. The audience is along for the ride with Holthouse, finding out the information as he does, and watching him piece together clues, follow leads, and connect dots. The story hooks you in immediately with an animated retelling of David’s story. As a twenty-something David moved to Northern California to work on one the several extremely lucrative weed farms in what is known as the Emerald Triangle, an area that is said to produce some of the best-grown pot in the world. At the time David thought nothing of the strange men claiming Bigfoot killed three workers, passing them off as meth head junkies, but in the present day he wonders if there is not more to their story. The animated segments (an excellent choice to replace often cheesy actor reenactment) gives the narrative an ethereal, storybook feel that serves the Pacific Northwest setting splendidly. A colorful cast of characters populate David’s investigation, as pot farmers, Sasquatch hunters (Squatchers) and researchers are all among the individuals interviewed in order to track down the truth. With names like Ghostdance and Razor, it is hard not to be enticed by their interviews. One of the more interesting interviews is with Bob Gimlin, who filmed the infamous Bigfoot sighting that the creature is known for. Unfortunately, this interview barely ends up connecting to the overall narrative, and this is probably Sasquatch’s biggest setback. There are a few threads presented that do help to contextualize the Bigfoot legend, but they ultimately end up being unnecessary.  Photo Courtesy of HuluLike most true crime layers are slowly peeled back during David’s investigation, what makes this different however, is the very real and very present danger that David finds himself in as he digs deeper for the truth. His discoveries are far more sinister than any Sasquatch could ever be. Through a series of several hidden camera interviews and confidential phone calls David reveals shocking and frightening truths about the people and lifestyles of certain subsects of America. Sasquatch keeps the plot hooks, false leads, and red herrings coming up until the end, when it does reach a mostly satisfying, if not insidious, ending that is sure to entertain any true crime fan. But it is the investigation that truly makes Sasquatch stand out. As David soon discovers, there are real monsters out in the world, and sometimes they are better left alone.  - Neil Hazel   (function() { var zergnet = document.createElement('script'); zergnet.type = 'text/javascript'; zergnet.async = true; zergnet.src = (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? "https:" : "http:") + '//'; var znscr = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; znscr.parentNode.insertBefore(zergnet, znscr); })();

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