Published Blogs Health

Empowering Clients to Keep New Year’s Fitness Resolutions

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - As a fitness professional, you are uniquely positioned to guide your clients through the maze of New Year’s resolutions. With the dawn of a new year just around the corner, many of your clients are likely setting their sights on fitness and health goals. Statistics show that nearly 60% of...
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Rethinking Fat’s Essential Role in a Healthy Diet

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - Rethinking Fat’s Essential Role in a Healthy Diet For years, the narrative surrounding dietary fat has largely been negative, with fats demonised as the culprit behind weight gain, heart disease, and various health woes. This perspective led to the rise of low-fat diets, with many shunning fats in pursuit of...
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Maximising Gains in Resistance Training

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - When it comes to building strength and muscle, there’s no shortage of advice. Every gym has its share of experts and enthusiasts, each with their own approach to lifting. But when it comes down to the science, what really works? A recent comprehensive review offers some clear insights into how...
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Supporting Perimenopausal Clients with Meditative Movement and Biobehavioural Models

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - Perimenopause is a transitional phase for women, often marked by physical and psychological changes that can affect overall wellbeing. Fitness professionals play a crucial role in supporting their perimenopausal clients. A recent study titled “Mechanisms of improved body composition among perimenopausal women practicing Meditative Movement: a proposed biobehavioural model” offers...
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Leveraging Co-Creation to Increase Customer Retention

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - Pioneering research “The Influence of Co-Creation on Trust and Loyalty in Personal Trainer Services” was published on 1st November 2022 and stressed the significance of co-creation within the personal training industry. This article elaborates on the findings of the study and relates useful insights to personal trainers for enhancing the...
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Protein Requirements for Women in Strength Training

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - Protein Requirements for Women in Strength Training As fitness professionals, understanding the nutritional needs of your clients is crucial in guiding them towards achieving their strength and conditioning goals. Recent research underscores the importance of protein intake for women engaged in strength training, revealing nuanced insights that can significantly impact...
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2023 Nutrition Research Summary for Peak Performance

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - The year 2023 has been significant in advancing our understanding of nutrition’s role in enhancing athletic performance and recovery. This article explores recent studies and their practical implications for fitness professionals. Key Nutritional Findings from 2023 Research Nutrition in Overtraining Syndrome: A narrative review in Nutrients explored the potential role...
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How Family Shapes a Child’s Love for Exercise

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - In the quest to nurture a healthier next generation, the influence of family cannot be overstated, especially when it comes to instilling a positive attitude towards exercise among children. A seminal study, “Active 1 + FUN“, underscores this connection, revealing the potent impact of family-based strategies in promoting physical activity...
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Hamstring Training for Optimal Hypertrophy

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - The pursuit of muscle hypertrophy, particularly in targeting specific muscle groups like the hamstrings, is a common goal among fitness enthusiasts. The study, “Individual distribution of muscle hypertrophy among hamstring muscle heads: Adding muscle volume where you need is not so simple“, provides valuable insights into the complexities of achieving...
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Testosterone and Metabolic Health in Middle-Aged Men

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - As men age, maintaining healthy testosterone levels becomes crucial for preserving muscle mass, bone density, and overall vitality. Testosterone, a key hormone that peaks during early adulthood, gradually declines as men enter middle age, leading to potential adverse effects on metabolic health, physical performance, and quality of life. Given these...
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Yoga for Stress Reduction and Mental Health

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - In today’s fast-paced world, stress and mental health challenges are becoming increasingly prevalent, especially among young people. Amidst this growing concern, yoga emerges as a powerful tool for promoting relaxation and enhancing mental wellbeing. A recent study by Hagen, Skjelstad, and Nayar (2023) explores the impact of yoga on reducing...
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Encouraging Inactive Individuals to Embrace Physical Activity

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - As fitness professionals, we often encounter the challenge of motivating inactive individuals to start and maintain a regular exercise regimen. A recent study, “The Effectiveness of an Autonomy-Based Exercise Training on Intrinsic Motivation, Physical Activity Intention, and Health-Related Fitness of Sedentary Students in Middle School” by Behrouz Sfandyari et al.,...
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Unravelling the Snatch

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - The snatch is one of the two lifts in the sport of Olympic weightlifting, demanding a blend of strength, speed, coordination, and flexibility from the athlete. In this complex movement, the weightlifter lifts the barbell from the ground to overhead in one continuous motion, requiring impeccable technique and a profound...
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Helping Disabled Clients be More Active

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - In our position as fitness professionals, it’s essential we understand the unique needs and challenges faced by clients with disabilities to provide them with safe, effective, and inclusive exercise programmes. A recent study titled “Identifying and prioritising strategies to optimise community gym participation for young adults with cerebral palsy: an...
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Simplified Dance Interventions for Obese Older Women

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - The fitness industry continuously evolves, seeking innovative ways to cater to the diverse needs of different populations. A recent study published in Geriatric Nursing 2023 explored the potential benefits of simplified dance interventions for obese older women, a demographic that often struggles to find suitable exercise modalities. For those embarking...
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Outdoor Training for Greater Client Satisfaction

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - As we transition into summer, there’s no better time to take advantage of the great outdoors for your clients’ fitness sessions. The benefits of exercising in natural settings are well documented, offering a unique combination of physical, mental, and emotional advantages that go beyond what indoor workouts can provide. Recent...
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Insights from Bicep Curl Training in Untrained Women

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - The study “Electromyographic activation and performance analysis during three sets of bicep curl exercises among untrained women” provides crucial insights into how novice female trainees respond to one of the most fundamental resistance training exercises. This article aims to translate the study’s findings into practical applications for personal trainers and...
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