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The Rabbit and The Fox Book Store - Featured Product - The Blue Door (First Flight Level 2) by David McPhail
Posted By booksnbackpacks 1445 days ago on Literature
Free Spanish Listening Resources for All Levels
Posted By booksnbackpacks 1388 days ago on Literature -
Want to improve your Spanish listening skills without breaking the bank? Then this post is just the thing for you. I’ve compiled a list of my favorite FREE Spanish listening resources, and I can’t wait to share them with you. Understanding spoken Spanish is hard. But, like most areas of foreign language, your listening comprehension...
The post Free Spanish Listening Resources for All Levels appeared first on Books 'n' Backpacks.
The post Free Spanish Listening Resources for All Levels appeared first on Books 'n' Backpacks.
Broadcast News in the #MeToo Era -
Broadcast News has always been one of my top ten favorite films, ever since I saw it in the theater as a teenager. When I was young, I enjoyed it for its witty banter and the depiction of its feminist yet feminine protagonist, Holly Hunter’s Jane. At one point, Jane’s boss says to her sarcastically,Continue Reading
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The post Broadcast News in the #MeToo Era appeared first on
Updating Shakespeare: Can a Woman be a Tragic Hero? -
One thing any Shakespeare fan will tell you is that his plays have a timeless universality. Take Othello. Issues of racism are still extremely relevant. However, if I wrote a revisionist piece based off of the play, I would explore the extreme sexism and the misogynistic views that nearly everyone in the play holds, withContinue Reading
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The post Updating Shakespeare: Can a Woman be a Tragic Hero? appeared first on
If You’re Going to “Create a Hate Figure” Give Them a Made-Up Name -
You May Have Seen the Headlines about Rachel Williams Suing Netflix. Rachel Williams, a former Vanity Fair staffer, is suing Netflix over their depiction of her in the series Inventing Anna. ‘Inventing Anna’: Rachel Williams Sues Netflix for Making Her Look “Horrible” | Vanity Fair Williams says that the depiction of her was unfair, andContinue Reading
The post If You’re Going to “Create a Hate Figure” Give Them a Made-Up Name appeared first on
The post If You’re Going to “Create a Hate Figure” Give Them a Made-Up Name appeared first on
Introducing The Tooth Fairy Quits By Megan Pighetti -
Introducing The Tooth Fairy Quits By Megan Pighetti. Genre: Children's Books About Birthdays. Suzie loves spreading joy to children, but being a tooth fairy is no easy task. Annoyed with gross teeth and a scratchy tutu, Suzie turned in her tooth fairy wand. She QUITS the only job she’s ever known! While Suzie doesn’t miss her tutu, she misses spreading joy to children. When one child wishes for a Birthday Fairy, the other fairies don’t know what to do. Suzie flies into action with a new look for a new job. Read my review.
The Rabbit and The Fox Book Store – Featured Product – The Rabbit Napoleon and the Lady Fox by Roger Max -
The Rabbit and The Fox Book Store - Featured Product - The Rabbit Napoleon and the Lady Fox: A Children's Story of War and Peace (Critters & Co Book 1) by Roger Max
Let Me Introduce You To Sybrina Songs – Once Upon A Time -
Let Me Introduce You To Sybrina Songs. I've been a singer/songwriter for too many years to count. I never reached fame and fortune but that won't stop me from sharing some of my favorites with you now and again. Enjoy. Once Upon A Time
The Counting Books and Games Store – Book – Little Rose Learns to Count from 1 to 10 By Mark Eichler -
The Counting Books and Games Store – Book – Little Rose Learns to Count from 1 to 10
Unicorn Reader / Writer Tees – Unicorn Readers Are Super Duper – Color Logo on Dark Mtl. T-Shirt -
Unicorn Reader / Writer Tees - Featured Product of the Day - Unicorn Readers Are Super Duper - Color Logo on Dark Mtl. T-Shirt
The Messy Room Book Store – Lee Cleans His Room (Bedtime children’s books for kids, early readers) -
The Messy Room Book Store - Lee Cleans His Room (Bedtime children's books for kids, early readers) by leela hope
Introducing – UAVTAINMENT Activity Book By A. McQ -
Introducing - UAVTAINMENT Activity Book By A. McQ. UAVTAINMENT is an exciting activity book for kids who love UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) and entertainment! This book is available on Amazon through KDP and is filled with engaging games, puzzles, and challenges that will keep your child entertained for hours. This activity book is perfect for kids aged 6-12 and makes a great gift for any child who loves UAVs and entertainment. Whether your child is a beginner or an experienced drone enthusiast, they are sure to enjoy the fun and engaging activities in this book. So why wait? Get your copy of UAVTAINMENT today and let the fun begin!
Bow Themed Gifts – The Best Place To Find Them -
Bow Themed Gifts - The Best Place To Find Them
Kittens in the Time of Covid 19 -
We all have quarantine stories to tell; this is mine.In a time of loss, we must find joy.This might be too easy for me to say. I’ve had it good, comparatively. I haven’t lost my home, or my livelihood. My loved ones are safe and healthy, as far as I know. For me, the loss that came with quarantine was secondary. On the Monday of the second week of March, I got news that my dad had suddenly died (not from Covid.) My brother, stepsiblings and I told ourselves that [...]
The "Write" Time? -
Lately, I've been looking for a sign that I should my job of 21 years, complete my MFA in creative writing, and have time to develop and promote my novels and my blog. To some, this may seem like a no-brainer. If I can afford to do it (which I can) I should go for it, because life is short and opportunities to follow our dreams are limited.But my job isn't just a "job", nobody's is when they're a teacher. The school where I teach, the community it is in, the students & staff - they're [...]
Introducing Bentley Hippo – Books For Kids and Teens By Indie Authors – Catalog First Edition -
Bentley Hippo - Books For Kids and Teens By Indie Authors - Catalog First Edition. Bentley's Book Club Elite Books 4 Kids is a collection of stories from self-published authors around the globe. The book club features reviews from Junior Reviewers (ages 5 - 8) representing 5 countries. As Indie authors, we all have our stories and reasons for writing, and the sad reality is that many books are never found in the mounds of books published daily. Through Bentley's Book Club and the Elite Books 4 Kids Catalog 100 books by 48 authors are shared in the first addition of this catalog. It is planned to be an annual online publication featuring self-published books. The books included in this publication cover topics such as kindness, friendship, courage, imagination, grief, climate change to name a few. All with important topics and themes written by very talented and passionate authors. Books range from pre-k up to middle grade and teens. You are sure to find your next great read. Happy Browsing.
Momma Llama’s ABC Book of Latin America – Goddess Fish Promotions -
Momma Llama's ABC Book of Latin America - Goddess Fish Promotions. This book is both fun and educational. This multicultural adventure includes people, places, and things from Central and South America - from Mexico to Argentina. The charming illustrations will make you and your child smile. Additionally, each page names the country or region of the subject; parents might learn something too. Enter giveaway.
The Counting Books and Games Store – Book – Learn To Count Funny Bunnies By Cynthia SzeKeres -
The Counting Books and Games Store – Book – Learn To Count Funny Bunnies
The Rabbit and The Fox Book Store – Featured Product – Cottons: The White Carrot by Jim Pascoe -
The Rabbit and The Fox Book Store - Featured Product - Cottons: The White Carrot by Jim Pascoe