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Teen, YA or Older Reader Unicorn Book Feature- Unicorn Food: Beautiful Plant-Based Recipes to Nurture Your Inner Magical Beast by Kat Odell
Incline Railway: What It’s Like and Why Ride It
Posted By booksnbackpacks 1377 days ago on Literature -
Are you looking for things to do in Chattanooga? Or perhaps a day trip from Atlanta or Nashville? Ride the Incline Railway up to the top of Lookout Mountain and enjoy gorgeous views of the Tennessee Valley. Lookout Mountain straddles the Georgia-Tennessee border and rises up over Chattanooga. It is home to many attractions, both...
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The post Incline Railway: What It’s Like and Why Ride It appeared first on Books 'n' Backpacks.
How to Write and/or Teach Fairy Tales -
Whether You’re Teaching Yourself or Others How to Write Fairy Tales, the Same Rules Apply. Use this post as either a fairytale writing lesson plan, or a way to teach yourself how to write fairy tales. Start by Reading a Classic. Below is “The Seven Ravens” by The Brothers Grimm. The Seven Ravens ThereContinue Reading
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The post How to Write and/or Teach Fairy Tales appeared first on
The Rabbit and The Fox Book Store – Featured Product – Fox Hat -
The Rabbit and The Fox Book Store - Featured Product - Fox Hat
Sophia Freeman Series By T.X. Troan – Goddess Fish Promotions -
Sophia Freeman Series By T.X. Troan - Goddess Fish Promotions. GENRE: Middle-Grade Fantasy Adventure. Read Sophia Freeman and The Mysterious Fountain. . .And The Gate of Jade. . . and The Era of Darkness. Enter Rafflecopter Giveaway.
The Warlock’s Curse By C. B. Oresky – Goddess Fish Promotions -
The Warlock's Curse By C. B. Oresky - Goddess Fish Promotions - Genre: Young Adult Fantasy. Clara and Angelica Grace have never met ghosts. They’ve never sailed on a tall ship, ridden wild unicorns, or fought with magical weapons. Instead, the teenage twins have a wretched existence, ignored by their troubled parents in a rundown home and tormented by the town’s snobs.
Everything turns topsy-turvy all of a sudden when discovery of an ancestor’s hidden journal with an odd key to an unknown door leads them into an entirely different realm.
The girls go on a thrilling oceanic voyage to search for mysterious whales, train with a seasoned warrior, and are befriended by a wise Master. But all is not a bouquet of lovely lilies…they are hunted by a cunning warlock and must rid themselves of The Warlock’s Curse. Read excerpt and enter giveaway.
Everything turns topsy-turvy all of a sudden when discovery of an ancestor’s hidden journal with an odd key to an unknown door leads them into an entirely different realm.
The girls go on a thrilling oceanic voyage to search for mysterious whales, train with a seasoned warrior, and are befriended by a wise Master. But all is not a bouquet of lovely lilies…they are hunted by a cunning warlock and must rid themselves of The Warlock’s Curse. Read excerpt and enter giveaway.
The Messy Room Book Store – Tumbleweed Tina Cleans Her Room -
The Messy Room Book Store - Tumbleweed Tina Cleans Her Room by Wilkinson
Posted By booksnbackpacks 1430 days ago on Literature
Unicorn Gifts For Little Kids – Unicorn Lollipops Candy Suckers, 12 Count -
Unicorn Gifts For Little Kids – Unicorn Lollipops Candy Suckers, 12 Count
Find The Moon By Beth Fehlbaum – Lone Star Book Tours -
Find The Moon By Beth Fehlbaum - Lone Star Book Tours. Genres: Young Adult / Social Issues / Family Issues. For as long as she can remember, Kylie Briscoe's been searching for the moon even though she has no idea why it soothes her. Placed in an impossible situation by her mother, Kylie cries for help. It brings rescuers and a new life, but it feels more like a death sentence when she is separated from her three-year-old sister Aliza, the only person Kylie's ever really loved. Enter Giveaway.
The Rabbit and The Fox Book Store – Featured Product – Fox Hooded Cape -
The Rabbit and The Fox Book Store - Featured Product - Fox Hooded Cape
Posted By booksnbackpacks 1418 days ago on Literature
What Inspired Me to Write my Novel, FAVORITE DAUGHTERS -
What Inspired Me To Write Favorite Daughters Spoiler: It began with Ivanka Trump & Chelsea Clinton’s Friendship But first, my step-father came up with the idea. In my family, we talk about politics all the time. The 2016 election was approaching, and we were discussing how strange it was that Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka TrumpContinue Reading
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The post What Inspired Me to Write my Novel, FAVORITE DAUGHTERS appeared first on
Anna Karenina Ambivalence: Six Reasons To Read It & Three Reasons Not To -
I’m experiencing some Anna Karenina ambivalence. Should I read the behemoth novel? I remember many years ago, I was a brand new college graduate, excited at the prospect off freedom to pick what I would read in my downtime. Ambitiously, I decided on War and Peace as my first post-college pick, and I went outContinue Reading
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The post Anna Karenina Ambivalence: Six Reasons To Read It & Three Reasons Not To appeared first on
The Rabbit and The Fox Book Store – Featured Product – Fox Table Lamp -
The Rabbit and The Fox Book Store - Featured Product - Fox Table Lamp
New Year, New Inspiration, Old Sources -
Are you experiencing the winter doldrums, as your New Year’s Resolutions quickly fade from the forefront of your consciousness? You’re not alone. Yet as writers, we must constantly discover new ways to hone our craft. But how? One approach is to find new inspiration from old sources. Challenge yourself with exercises or prompts that mayContinue Reading
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The post New Year, New Inspiration, Old Sources appeared first on
All About Anna Karenina: Part 2, ch 28-35 Haikus -
Anna watches Vronsky race, and Alexey is next to her Smile your chilly smile Call me a wicked woman I see only him Anna loses it when Vronsky falls during the race Go, you hateful man. I am Vronsky’s mistress. Stop Being so polite. Kitty is in Germany, finding herself and making aContinue Reading
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The post All About Anna Karenina: Part 2, ch 28-35 Haikus appeared first on
Introducing – The Tales of Ezmeer By Trista Shaye -
Introducing - The Tales of Ezmeer By Trista Shaye. Time for something exciting. Tales of Ezmeer is an epic fantasy graphic novel that has been adapted from an epic fantasy podcast. There's a whole cast of character actors telling the tale in the podcast and it's a lot of fun but for those who prefer flipping through the pages of a book, the graphic novel is essential.
April 23rd, 2023 – Sybrina’s Unicorn Book Store Newsletter -
April 23rd, 2023 - Sybrina's Unicorn Book Store Newsletter - Read the newsletter now to learn about Little Kid Book Pick - Ruffian and the Lost Unicorns by MK Grassiik, Middle Kid Book Pick - Unicorns? Get Real! By Kathryn Lasky, Teen/ YA Book Pick - The Ballad of Tam Lin by Kathleen McGowan and Graphic Novel From Fantasy Podcast - Introducing The Tales of Ezmeer By Trista Shaye
The Messy Room Book Toy and Tool Store – Wet Brush Hair Brush Kids Detangler (Narwhal) Detachable Plush Toy, Multi -
The Messy Room Toy and Tool Store – Wet Brush Hair Brush Kids Detangler (Narwhal) Detachable Plush Toy, Multi