New Writing

January 22nd, 2023 – Sybrina’s Unicorn Book Store Newsletter

Posted By Sybrina 781 days ago on Writing - January 22nd, 2023 - Sybrina's Unicorn Book Store Newsletter - Read the newsletter now to learn about Little Kid Book Pick - It's Not Easy Being A Unicorn Written and Illustrated By Beatriz Rare, Middle Kid Book Pick - Avalon - Web of Magic 7 Song of the Unicorn By Rachel Roberts with Illustrations by Allison Strom, Teen/ YA Book Pick - Unicorn Mountain by Michael Bishop and Epic Fantasy Adventure - Loss of the Unbound: Ordeal of the Dracomancer by Luna Fox and F. Lowberry

Magical Elements of the Periodic Table Presented Alphabetically By The Metal Horn Unicorns

Posted By Sybrina 759 days ago on Writing - Magical Elements of the Periodic Table Presented Alphabetically By The Metal Horn Unicorns. The Metal Horn Unicorns Make Science Magical. Unicorn and Science! How magical. Take a look at the new book by Sybrina Durant with Illustrations by Pumudi Gardiyawasam. It's called Magical Elements of the Periodic Table Presented Alphabetically By The Metal Horn Unicorns. They say, "No Metal - No Magic...and No Technology". Get the book and downloadable activities, too.

Anna Karenina, Part 4, chapters 11-15 Haikus

Posted By LaurelLit 711 days ago on Writing - Breaking News: Levin is happy! There’s not much joy in Anna Karenina, and certainly not when it comes to Levin. But for a few brief chapters, Levin is aboard the happiness train. Go, Levin! 11. Levin and Kitty go off by themselves She’s the only one At this party, in the world I care to talk toContinue Reading
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Water and Blood By NK Carson – Goddess Fish Promotions

Posted By Sybrina 693 days ago on Writing - Water and Blood By NK Carson - Goddess Fish Promotions. Genre: YA Fantasy. Clashes on a pirate ship, battles on a castle wall, and an ancient secret unfolds. When life or death is at stake, one side must make a sacrifice to win.

After fleeing the Elven capital, Reith and his friends must race across Terrasohnen to warn the dwarves of the Shadow's long reach. Each new revelation brings even more questions and Reith has so much to learn about Shadows and his mysterious sword. Time is against Reith. Death stalks him in the desert, mountains, and sea, and the ever present darkness looms large over all.

Will they reach the dwarves in time to prevent more death? Or will the Shadow's destruction be too great, consuming everyone in the kingdoms of Terrasohnen? Read author post and enter giveaway.

How to figure out the gender of Latin nouns

Posted By booksnbackpacks 1384 days ago on Literature - Are you wondering how to find the gender of Latin nouns? This post will help you to identify noun gender with confidence. Latin has three grammatical genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter. In most cases, we can predict the gender of a noun based on its meaning or else based on its declension and its nominative...
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Book Review: Miranda Writes by Gail Ward Olmsted

Posted By LaurelLit 917 days ago on Writing - Is it still hot where you live? I live in Minneapolis where temps are rising, and after looking at the national forecast, I know we’re not alone. Unfortunately, post-Labor Day, it’s hard to find a pool to sit by, but if you can, I strongly recommend doing so. And, while you sit and soak upContinue Reading
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The Aquamarine Surfboard By Kellye Abernathy – Lone Star Book Blog Tours

Posted By Sybrina 839 days ago on Writing - The Aquamarine Surfboard By Kellye Abernathy - Lone Star Book Blog Tours. Genre: Middle Grade / Magical Realism / Fantasy. Ebbing and flowing between reality and magic, times past and present, The Aquamarine Surfboard by Kellye Abernathy is a riveting beach tale about opening up to mystery, building community when and where you can — and discovering the ocean is filled with magic—the really BIG kind—the kind that changes the world. Enter Giveaway.

Phrase Thesaurus Samples – Vol 1 – Moving Parts – Part 1 – EY131 – Angry Eyes

Posted By Sybrina 773 days ago on Writing - Phrase Thesaurus Samples From - Vol 1 - Moving Parts - Part 1 - EY Eyes - EY131  EYES 131 (ANGRY EYES) - “hatred blazed in those eyes”

Encourage Your Child’s Interest In Science With Unicorn-Themed Teaching Tools and Activities

Posted By Sybrina 749 days ago on Writing - Encourage Your Child's Interest In Science With Unicorn-Themed Teaching Tools and Activities. How Fun Is This? Create Your Own Magical Unicorn Elemental Periodic Table Activity! For year, kids have been creating fun comic book characters to make it easier for them to learn more about the elements of the periodic table. They could either come up with a super hero or a villain to represent their chosen element. Now, there's some competition from UNICORNS! Unicorns are magical and so are the elements of the periodic table. This Create Your Own Magical Unicorn Elemental Activity is based on the 26 unicorns from the “Magical Elements of The Periodic Table Presented Alphabetically By The Metal Horn Unicorns” book. Each unicorn acquaints kids with their own unique elemental magic as well as its amazing everyday uses. Alumna starts things out by introducing the very necessary metal, Aluminum, on her element sheet.  Dr. Zinko rounds out the alphabet by presenting facts and  other fun information about the metal, Zinc, on his.  The Metal Horn Unicorns say, “No Metal – No Magic. . .and No Technology”. The activity is a printable pdf file.

Best Free Roadside Attractions in North Georgia

Posted By booksnbackpacks 1303 days ago on Literature - Going on a road trip? Check out 10+ awesome (and free!) roadside attractions in north Georgia. Liven up your car ride with these fun places to stop. I love road trips. Some of my earliest memories are from long car rides with my family, and I saw so much of the United States through the...
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Creative Writing Prompt: Begin with the End

Posted By LaurelLit 1137 days ago on Writing - Many fiction writers say that a story’s ending is the most difficult part to write. Below are 10 possible ending lines for a piece of fiction. Pick one, adjust it however works best for you, and then write a story with those words as the closing. We had come so far, but there was yetContinue Reading
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The Rabbit and The Fox Book Store – Featured Product – The Red Fox, the Golden Lion, the White Rabbit, and the Great Bear by Sallie Becker

Posted By Sybrina 899 days ago on Writing - The Rabbit and The Fox Book Store - Featured Product - The Red Fox, the Golden Lion, the White Rabbit, and the Great Bear by Sallie Becker

Let Me Introduce You To Sybrina Songs – No Angel

Posted By Sybrina 879 days ago on Writing - Let Me Introduce You To Sybrina Songs. I've been a singer/songwriter for too many years to count. I never reached fame and fortune but that won't stop me from sharing some of my favorites with you now and again. Enjoy. No Angel.

Unicorn-Themed Teaching Tools and Activities To Encourage Your Child’s Interest In Science

Posted By Sybrina 743 days ago on Writing - Encourage Your Child's Interest In Science With Unicorn-Themed Teaching Tools and Activities. How Fun Is This? Create Your Own Magical Unicorn Elemental Periodic Table Activity! For year, kids have been creating fun comic book characters to make it easier for them to learn more about the elements of the periodic table. They could either come up with a super hero or a villain to represent their chosen element. Now, there's some competition from UNICORNS! Unicorns are magical and so are the elements of the periodic table. This Create Your Own Magical Unicorn Elemental Activity is based on the 26 unicorns from the “Magical Elements of The Periodic Table Presented Alphabetically By The Metal Horn Unicorns” book. Each unicorn acquaints kids with their own unique elemental magic as well as its amazing everyday uses. Alumna starts things out by introducing the very necessary metal, Aluminum, on her element sheet.  Dr. Zinko rounds out the alphabet by presenting facts and  other fun information about the metal, Zinc, on his.  The Metal Horn Unicorns say, “No Metal – No Magic. . .and No Technology”. The activity is a printable pdf file.