New Writing

Phrase Thesaurus Samples – Vol 1 – Moving Parts – Part 1 – EY131 – Angry Eyes

Posted By Sybrina 772 days ago on Writing - Phrase Thesaurus Samples From - Vol 1 - Moving Parts - Part 1 - EY Eyes - EY131  EYES 131 (ANGRY EYES) - “hatred blazed in those eyes”

Encourage Your Child’s Interest In Science With Unicorn-Themed Teaching Tools and Activities

Posted By Sybrina 748 days ago on Writing - Encourage Your Child's Interest In Science With Unicorn-Themed Teaching Tools and Activities. How Fun Is This? Create Your Own Magical Unicorn Elemental Periodic Table Activity! For year, kids have been creating fun comic book characters to make it easier for them to learn more about the elements of the periodic table. They could either come up with a super hero or a villain to represent their chosen element. Now, there's some competition from UNICORNS! Unicorns are magical and so are the elements of the periodic table. This Create Your Own Magical Unicorn Elemental Activity is based on the 26 unicorns from the “Magical Elements of The Periodic Table Presented Alphabetically By The Metal Horn Unicorns” book. Each unicorn acquaints kids with their own unique elemental magic as well as its amazing everyday uses. Alumna starts things out by introducing the very necessary metal, Aluminum, on her element sheet.  Dr. Zinko rounds out the alphabet by presenting facts and  other fun information about the metal, Zinc, on his.  The Metal Horn Unicorns say, “No Metal – No Magic. . .and No Technology”. The activity is a printable pdf file.

Best Free Roadside Attractions in North Georgia

Posted By booksnbackpacks 1302 days ago on Literature - Going on a road trip? Check out 10+ awesome (and free!) roadside attractions in north Georgia. Liven up your car ride with these fun places to stop. I love road trips. Some of my earliest memories are from long car rides with my family, and I saw so much of the United States through the...
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Creative Writing Prompt: Begin with the End

Posted By LaurelLit 1137 days ago on Writing - Many fiction writers say that a story’s ending is the most difficult part to write. Below are 10 possible ending lines for a piece of fiction. Pick one, adjust it however works best for you, and then write a story with those words as the closing. We had come so far, but there was yetContinue Reading
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The Rabbit and The Fox Book Store – Featured Product – The Red Fox, the Golden Lion, the White Rabbit, and the Great Bear by Sallie Becker

Posted By Sybrina 898 days ago on Writing - The Rabbit and The Fox Book Store - Featured Product - The Red Fox, the Golden Lion, the White Rabbit, and the Great Bear by Sallie Becker

Let Me Introduce You To Sybrina Songs – No Angel

Posted By Sybrina 878 days ago on Writing - Let Me Introduce You To Sybrina Songs. I've been a singer/songwriter for too many years to count. I never reached fame and fortune but that won't stop me from sharing some of my favorites with you now and again. Enjoy. No Angel.

Unicorn-Themed Teaching Tools and Activities To Encourage Your Child’s Interest In Science

Posted By Sybrina 742 days ago on Writing - Encourage Your Child's Interest In Science With Unicorn-Themed Teaching Tools and Activities. How Fun Is This? Create Your Own Magical Unicorn Elemental Periodic Table Activity! For year, kids have been creating fun comic book characters to make it easier for them to learn more about the elements of the periodic table. They could either come up with a super hero or a villain to represent their chosen element. Now, there's some competition from UNICORNS! Unicorns are magical and so are the elements of the periodic table. This Create Your Own Magical Unicorn Elemental Activity is based on the 26 unicorns from the “Magical Elements of The Periodic Table Presented Alphabetically By The Metal Horn Unicorns” book. Each unicorn acquaints kids with their own unique elemental magic as well as its amazing everyday uses. Alumna starts things out by introducing the very necessary metal, Aluminum, on her element sheet.  Dr. Zinko rounds out the alphabet by presenting facts and  other fun information about the metal, Zinc, on his.  The Metal Horn Unicorns say, “No Metal – No Magic. . .and No Technology”. The activity is a printable pdf file.

Latin Verb Principal Parts: What You Need To Know

Posted By booksnbackpacks 1218 days ago on Literature - What are the four principal parts in Latin and why are they important? Read this ultimate guide to Latin verb principal parts to find out. Principal parts come up all the time when you are learning Latin. Usually we use this term to refer specifically to the principal parts of verbs. In this post, we...
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Introducing Bubba Puppin Adventure Dog – Bubba’s On The Naughty List By Lou Lou

Posted By Sybrina 826 days ago on Writing - Introducing Bubba Puppin Adventure Dog - Bubba's On The Naughty List By Lou Lou. Genres: Children's Dog Books & Children's Animal Action & Adventure. Bubba Puppin Adventure Dog is a fun bedtime story about Bubba the yellow lab that is a normal dog by day and an adventure dog by night. When his family goes to sleep he leaves on his secret rocket ship to go on adventures. In tonight's adventure, it's Christmas Eve and Bubba gets on the NAUGHTY list! He has to go to the North Pole, find Santa, and get off the naughty list before Christmas is over.

All About Anna Karenina: Part 2, ch 1-10 Haikus

Posted By LaurelLit 801 days ago on Writing -     1. Kitty might have tuberculosis Humiliation Useless doctor. Uhgg! My heart can’t be cured.   2. Dolly is also unhappy Stiva’s still cheating And now Kitty’s going abroad What about poor me?   3. Kitty and Dolly have a heart-to-heart I hate everyone. Love is a lie. Better to Be alone with you.Continue Reading
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My Best Friend Athena By Dana Hammer – Goddess Fish Promotions

Posted By Sybrina 757 days ago on Writing - My Best Friend Athena By Dana Hammer - Goddess Fish Promotions. GENRE:   Middle Grade Fantasy. Fanny Fitzpatrick has the coolest best friend ever. Athena is smart, and pretty, and brave, and kind. Fanny loves her friend, but sometimes, she feels a little jealous of how perfect Athena is.

But even “perfect” girls make mistakes, and Athena makes a big one when she accidentally turns the school bully into a cockroach. He was picking on their friend Gemma and Athena lost her temper and her magic powers just slipped out right in front of Fanny.
Now Fanny knows that Athena isn’t an ordinary girl – she’s the reincarnation of a Greek goddess, powers and all.
Read excerpt, guest post and enter giveaway.

The Rabbit and The Fox Book Store – Featured Product – Bunnies Little Arrow Women’s Scarf

Posted By Sybrina 711 days ago on Writing - The Rabbit and The Fox Book Store - Featured Product - Bunnies Little Arrow Modern Pink Easter Rabbit Women's Winter Warm Scarf Fashion Long Large Soft Cashmere Shawl Wrap Scarves

How To Improve Listening Skills In A New Language

Posted By booksnbackpacks 1382 days ago on Literature - Wondering how to improve your listening skills in a foreign language? I know just how you feel, and I can help. Read this post for strategies, tips, and resource ideas. When you learn a new language, there is so much to do that it is easy to forget about listening comprehension. You’re busy memorizing words...
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Tales From The Otherworlds – Edited By Antoine Bandele – Silver Dagger Book Tours

Posted By Sybrina 771 days ago on Writing - Tales From The Otherworlds - Edited By Antoine Bandele - Silver Dagger Book Tours. 11 marvelous stories of mystical portals, magical lands, and mythical creatures by Antoine Bandele, K.R.S. McEntire, Jessica Cage, Kish Knight, Ken Kwame, Francesca McMahon, Ryan J. Schroeder, Zia Knight, Brittany Hester and Loup Gajigianis.