New → Writing -
First, a disclaimer: I realize using the word “girl” in regards to turning 50 is both inaccurate and a bit diminishing. I am a woman and I should be proud of my wisdom, sophistication, and life experience. I am proud. However, using “girl” in regards to my 50th birthday slaps a bit of youthfulness onto the occasion, and if I can’t be young anymore, I can at least feel youthful.So, how do I celebrate turning 50? I’ll be honest; I’d really rather no [...]
Dear Jake Tapper: What do you Know About Teachers' Feelings? -
Dear Jake Tapper,I feel betrayed. I tweeted but you didn’t respond. Rarely do I have time to watch your show, but I’d worked ahead on my lesson plans and grading, so I could finish early to make a birthday cake for my son. I had on "The Beat" while I was in the kitchen, and you did this segment about “Do Teachers Need to be Vaccinated for Schools to Safely Reopen?” Dr. Paul Offit was your guest, and you asked him if there was any reason why a “normal, he [...]
Smells Like Thirty Something
Posted By Mustards 1873 days ago on Literature -
Old millennial Saturday night.
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career -
Do you want to start freelance writing? If you’re confused about how to start a freelance writing career, then here are the basic steps you need to take to get yourself going to a flying start.
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More at the blog!
What Does Squash Have to do with Ghostwriting? -
If you can get excited about almost anything—even a squash—you might just have what it takes to be a ghostwriter.
How to Save Money on Your Ghostwritten Story! -
Here's some simple ways that you can save substantial amounts of money if hiring a ghostwriter to tell you story. Here's a teaser: tip #1, get organized!
How To Manage Time Working Full-Time to Write an Essay -
If you're a working student, then it may be difficult for you to find a fine balance between work and school and complete the academic tasks on time. Here are some tips that you can use to manage your time while working full-time and make life easy for you.
More at the blog.:)
More at the blog.:)