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In this week's #NotablePeopleinHistory newsletter, we’ll take a look at the life of King Za Besi Angabo. He is believed to be the founder of the Ag'azyan dynasty (c. 1370 B.C) and the father of Queen Makeda, but traditions vary.
Countries: Bolivia -
The earliest known cultures in Bolivia were the Wankarani, Tiwanaku, and the Chiripa.
Countries: Burma (Myanmar) -
The earliest archaeological evidence suggests that The Pyu were the earliest inhabitants of Burma (c. 11,000 BC) from present-day Yunnan.
Countries: Chad -
The area of present-day Chad was a central part of some of Africa's empires such as the Kanem–Bornu (c. 700–1380 AD), which originated parts of present-day Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon, Libya and Chad.
Gatwick Airport Taxi -
Countries: Estonia -
In the East Slavic sources, Estonians and other closely related Finnic tribes were known as Chuds, a term historically applied to several Baltic Finnic peoples.
How to Create Custom Forms in Shopify with B2B Registration Forms Builder
Posted By supermonitoring 53 days ago on all -
The B2B Registration Forms Builder is a tool meant for the very purpose of improving the ways you collect detailed information about your customers.
Countries: Liberia -
Liberia was the first African republic to proclaim its independence. In the United States, there was a movement to settle African Americans, both free-born and formerly enslaved to Liberia.
Jesus Began His Ministry in Galilee -
Jesus was about thirty years old when he began his public ministry in Galilee. He grew up in the town of Nazareth.
Present-day Nazareth is a city in the Northern District of Israel… present-day Galilee is located in northern Israel and southern Lebanon
Present-day Nazareth is a city in the Northern District of Israel… present-day Galilee is located in northern Israel and southern Lebanon
Mindset Mastery U From Barb Ling And Dennis Becker -
Mindset Mastery U From Barb Ling And Dennis Becker
Mindset Mastery U – Unlock the power of your mindset and transform your life and your business
Mindset Mastery U – Unlock the power of your mindset and transform your life and your business
Countries: Oman -
During the 8th century BC, it is believed that the “Yaarub” ruled the entire region of Yemen, including Oman.
Yorubaland is the cultural region of the Yoruba people. The Yoruba are one of the largest ethnic groups in West Africa.
Yorubaland is the cultural region of the Yoruba people. The Yoruba are one of the largest ethnic groups in West Africa.
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Meryneith (Meryre): High Priest of the Aten in Akhetaten -
In this week's Notable People In History newsletter, we’ll take a look at the life of, Meryneith, who lived during the Amarna Period... the latter half of the 18th Dynasty
Forward Contracts: What Are They? -
One of four financial derivatives, forward contracts, can be used for everything from hedginag an overpriced market to massively leveraging an underpriced one.
What Are Fractional Shares? -
With fractional shares, you can buy a piece of any publicly traded business.
Queen Kubaba: Lugal of Third Sumerian Dynasty -
This week's blog post features Kubaba, listed on the Sumerian King List as the first known female ruler.
Puabi: Queen of the Chaldeans at Ur, Mesopotamia -
Queen Puabi ruled the Mesopotamian city-state of Ur around 2500 B.C. Inscriptions on the cylinder seal found in her tomb suggests that she ruled in her own right.
Review: Hundreds of Beavers
Posted By BlazingMinds 217 days ago on Movies -
Hundreds of Beavers is the movie you never knew you needed but now can’t live without! It’s one of those films that is so bonkers it’s brilliant with its unique style and slapstick comedy it will have you laughing loudly.
Anticipate don’t improvise with competitive intelligence
Posted By OctopusIntell 203 days ago on all -
We have all heard the phrase “Anticipate don’t improvise”. When it comes to competitive intelligence, anticipation beats improvisation every time. Here’s why:
Improvisation is reactive. It’s what you do when caught off guard, scrambling to make sense of sudden market shifts or unexpected competitor moves. It’s when you lose that piece of business to a competitor and claim it was down to price, but deep down, you know it’s not.
Improvisation is reactive. It’s what you do when caught off guard, scrambling to make sense of sudden market shifts or unexpected competitor moves. It’s when you lose that piece of business to a competitor and claim it was down to price, but deep down, you know it’s not.
Notes From Clown World: September 16, 2024 -
Pets become dinner. The myth of virology controls us. Democrats are sheep. And doctors want to poison your kids, again.