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Want To Polish Your Writing Skills – Use These Helpful Tools

Posted By wpnewsify 699 days ago on all - The best way for polishing the writing skills and getting betterment in the content is by using online tools that help in improving the text quality and making it more engaging for the readers.

Expert’s Tips for Storing Your Data on Your Laptop

Posted By ivanpw 699 days ago on Blogging - Data storage is one of the most important aspects of keeping all your files safe and sound on the laptop. Not only does it save the file from getting into… Read more »
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How to Choose the Broadband Connection for Perfect Bandwidth?

Posted By ivanpw 700 days ago on Business - The post How to Choose the Broadband Connection for Perfect Bandwidth? appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Imagine you are on a crucial Skype, video, or Zoom call with your boss or a client when the call unexpectedly ends and you receive a notification stating that you have used up all of your allotted bandwidth for the day.

Naturally, you will feel awful about embarrassing yourself in front of them. Or, let’s say you and your gaming mates are online and you run out of data in the middle of a game. Wouldn’t that break your heart?
Consider all the reasons you and others in your home or apartment would want to use your broadband connection to connect to the internet before making your decision on the best internet provider service.…

Fiction About Complicated 20th Century Women By Joanne Easley – Lone Star Book Tours

Posted By Sybrina 700 days ago on Writing - Fiction About Complicated 20th Century Women By Joanne Easley - Lone Star Book Tours. multi-award-winning debut, Sweet Jane, was named the adult fiction winner at the Texas Author Project and shortlisted for the Sarton Award and Eric Hoffer Award, among others. Just One Look, Joanne’s second novel was a May 2022 Pulpwood Queen Book Club Pick. I’ll BeSeeing You, her third novel, features characters from Sweet Jane. Joanne Easley's prize-winning short stories and poetry have appeared in several anthologies. Enter Giveaway.

5 Reasons I’m Glad I Ripped off Agatha Christie

Posted By LaurelLit 700 days ago on Writing - I ripped off Agatha Christie. To be fair, her novel, The Mysterious Event at Styles, is in the public domain, which means it’s okay to do whatever with it. It’s like finding a couch in the alley with a “free” sign. If you take the couch, is that considered stealing? Of course not. However, thatContinue Reading
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5 Tips to Avoid Burnout as an Entrepreneur

Posted By ivanpw 700 days ago on Blogging - When you spend your days working on something that you’re passionate about, it almost feels like it can’t get any better. But as with anything in life, there are going… Read more »
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Violins Played Before Junstan By Lou Kemp – Goddess Fish Promotions

Posted By Sybrina 700 days ago on Writing - Violins Played Before Junstan By Lou Kemp - Goddess Fish Promotions. Genre: Fantasy (magical realism). While on a mission to avenge the death of his lover, the immortal peyote-eating magician Celwyn is hired to deliver an automat, Professor Kang, to a priest. But Celwyn quickly learns that everything the priest told him was a lie. Now his ship, the Zelda, is stuck in a horrific storm and Celwyn knows he must reconsider his allegiance if he is to steer his vessel in the right direction and continue his quest. Read Excerpt and enter Giveaway.

A Guide to Employee Rewards and Recognition Programs

Posted By ivanpw 700 days ago on Business - The post A Guide to Employee Rewards and Recognition Programs appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Recognizing and rewarding performers and encouraging good future efforts is a long-term strategy for gaining loyalty and keeping a valuable workforce. Most startups fear going through this route because they may perceive it to be expensive and this would hamper their growth objectives. The good news is that non-financial benefits are just as important as financial incentives. In fact, many employees specifically prefer them.

Source: Adobe Pictures
Acknowledging work pays off in the long run, and the time spent recognizing it will probably lead to a more thoughtful and personal approach. So it’s an effective way to motivate your employees. Here is a guide to employee rewards and recognition program.…

Is Professional Window Cleaning Worth It for Small Businesses?

Posted By ivanpw 701 days ago on Business - The post Is Professional Window Cleaning Worth It for Small Businesses? appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Investing in professional services may initially seem redundant if you are a small business owner. Each investment has to be worth it and payout in the future. However, professional window cleaning is one of the best fields in which you can put your money. Hiring a professional window cleaning company can offer many benefits you may need to be aware of.

photo credit: Nathan Cowley / Pexels
According to, professional window cleaning can help you save money simply by preventing wear and spotting damage before it worsens. In an office building, clean windows can improve the quality of life for employees by maintaining clean air and heat efficiency.…

An Afternoon Visit to the Botanical Art Gallery @ Inverturret House

Posted By ScribblingGeek 701 days ago on Entertainment - The post An Afternoon Visit to the Botanical Art Gallery @ Inverturret House appeared first on The Scribbling Geek.
Visiting the Botanical Art Gallery at Inverturret House, a serene free attraction in a historical manor at the heart of the Botanic Gardens Gallop Extension.
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Optima Tax Relief Advises How to Prepare for Student Loan Forgiveness 

Posted By ivanpw 701 days ago on Blogging - The U.S. Department of Education has officially released its application for student loan forgiveness. The short, straightforward application allows borrowers to apply for student loan forgiveness up to $20,000. Optima… Read more »
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The Guardian By Jen Colly – Goddess Fish Promotions

Posted By Sybrina 701 days ago on Writing - The Guardian By Jen Colly - Goddess Fish Promotions. GENRE:   Paranormal Romance. Prepared to die...fighting to live.

Savard was in a mood to die, but when a human insists on saving his life, death is no longer an immediate option. He knew of no species – human, vampire, or demon – that could see him while in his invisible Spirit form. Unique to this world, this woman's singularity was a danger to the entire vampire race. Read excerpt and enter giveaway.

Common Stocks: A Deeper Dive (Voting Rights, Risks, Dividends)

Posted By eBrandMe 701 days ago on all - This week, we’ll go further into common stocks. Generally available on public stock markets, they’re easy to purchase and are what most people think of when talking about stocks.

9 Ways to Manage Small Business Accounting

Posted By ivanpw 701 days ago on Business - The post 9 Ways to Manage Small Business Accounting appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Accounting is one of those necessary business evils. It’s not the most glamorous task, but it is crucial to the success of your small business. Poorly managed finances can lead to cash flow problems, late payments, and bankruptcy.

photo credit: Pixabay
The good news is that there are some easy ways to manage your accounting and keep on top of your finances. Here are nine tips:
1.   Use Accounting Software
In today’s business world, accounting software is a must-have for any company that wants to stay competitive. Not only does it save time and money, but it also provides a more accurate record of transactions.…

5 Estate Planning Tips To Protect Your Family And Assets

Posted By ivanpw 701 days ago on Business - The post 5 Estate Planning Tips To Protect Your Family And Assets appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Most people don’t like talking about end-of-life topics like estate planning. While it may be uncomfortable to talk or think of the ‘ifs’ of not being around someday, estate planning is critical for your overall financial plan. After all, an estate plan is all about making sure that your investments, assets, and wealth are handed down to your family in the most effective way possible.

Creating an estate plan can be complicated and comes with numerous considerations. To help you get started, here are five estate planning tips to protect your assets and family when you pass away:
1. Assemble Your A-Team
Estate planning is a complex process.…

Blog Topic Ideas: Types of Blog Posts That Get Traffic

Posted By ivanpw 701 days ago on Blogging - Are you looking for blog topic ideas that will help you get more traffic? If so, then you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll share with you five… Read more »
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