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Productivity Reset is a comprehensive productivity training and business toolkit designed for solopreneurs, small business owners, and digital marketers who want to boost their productivity, overcome procrastination, and automate their workflows.
Countries: New Zealand -
The earliest known settlers of New Zealand, or “Aotearoa,” were the Maori people. A man named Kupe, a legendary Polynesian explorer according to Maori oral history, was the first person to discover New Zealand.
Countries: Paraguay -
Before the Spanish conquest of South America, Paraguay was the home of the Guaraní Indians
8 Examples of High Converting Email Capture Forms
Posted By supermonitoring 331 days ago on all -
We share eight examples of high converting email capture forms that marketers can reference to optimize their email & SMS capture methods.
Social Media for Small Businesses: Strategies for Success -
Social media has leveled the playing field for small businesses, providing them with a cost-effective way to reach and engage…The post Social Media for Small Businesses: Strategies for Success appeared first on Biz Epic.
Competitive Intelligence Objectives For Businesses Like Yours
Posted By OctopusIntell 286 days ago on all -
Competitive intelligence isn’t about amassing mountains of competitor data. Or having access to the best CI platform. It’s about gathering targeted, actionable insights that empower you to make winning decisions. It’s about competitive intelligence objectives for enterprises like yours.
Stock Market Indexes 101: Tracking Public Companies -
Stock market indexes make it easier to know how the market is performing without having to follow the ups and downs of every individual stock. Learn more about some of the top US stock market indexes.
What Is the Average Return of the US Stock Market? -
In general, when people say "the stock market," they mean the S&P 500 index which includes about 500 of the largest publicly traded U.S. companies.
Movavi Video Converter: Conversión de Video Fácil en 2024
Posted By supermonitoring 242 days ago on all -
Movavi Video Converter es un programa de conversión de video sólido y versátil que permite a los usuarios convertir rápidamente videos entre diferentes formatos.
Chinese Economy: The Introduction of Paper Money -
For centuries, the basic unit of currency in China was the bronze or copper coin with a hole in the center for stringing.
How can I Get a Discount on My Car Insurance? -
There are numerous ways to reduce your premiums and secure a discount on your car insurance.
Madaki Hasa Askia: First Female Madaki (Sultan) of Kano -
Madaki Hasa Askia (c. 1500–1600) was the Daughter of Emperor Askia Muhammad I (Askia the Great), the first ruler of the Askia dynasty of the Songhai Empire.
How Competitive Intelligence Reveals What Everyone Misses
Posted By OctopusIntell 189 days ago on all -
The answer to your biggest problem is staring you in the face. But without taking time to step back and think, you’re not going to see it. Too many entrepreneurs, enterprises, and solopreneurs rely on surface-level answers. A dangerous trap They rush to their phones, Google, or tap into OpenAI. They are expecting quick solutions to complex challenges.
Ancient Kingdom of Nri: Isusu Banking System -
The Nri kingdom developed their own system of banking and savings called Isusu, a form of rotating savings and credit association found in Africa.
Sidon: Son of Canaan, Ancestor of the Sidonians -
Canaan’s oldest son was Sidon, the ancestor of the Sidonians. The first mention of Sidon as a city is found in Genesis in a description of the territory of the Canaanites, which extended as far as Gaza.
Countries: Armenia -
Armenia formed from the territory of the Kingdom of Ararat. In the Book of Genesis, the mountains of Ararat is the term used to designate the region in which Noah's Ark comes to rest after the Great Flood (c. 2100 BC).
United Nations Agenda 2030 Is A Plan For Global Totalitarianism -
Agenda 2030 is a backdoor way of implementing global communism, eventually leading to neo-feudalism and enforced by totalitarianism.
Jezebel: Queen of Israel (Omri Dynasty) -
Queen Jezebel married King Ahab (r. 874-853 BC), of Samaria, the northern kingdom of Israel. Her daughter, Athaliah, was queen of Judah (r. 841–835 BC) and the only female monarch to sit on David’s throne in biblical history.
Countries: Greece -
The Greek Dark Ages refers to a period of Greek history at the beginning of the collapse of civilization in the Eastern Mediterranean world.
Countries: Ireland -
Around 700 BC, the Celts began to settle the island of Ireland. They would thrive there for nearly 2,000 years.