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Countries: Kosovo

Posted By eBrandMe 45 days ago on all - The Battle of Kosovo in 1389, between an army led by the Serbian Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović and an invading army of the Ottoman Empire under the command of Sultan Murad I, determined the future of central Balkans and marked the beginning of the disintegration of the Serbian Empire.

Pharaoh Khakaure Senusret III: 7 Years of Abundance, 7 Years of Famine

Posted By eBrandMe 149 days ago on History - In this week's Notable People in History newsletter, we’ll take a look at the life of Pharaoh Khakaure Senusret III, likely the pharaoh whose dreams were interpreted by Joseph, foreshadowing seven years of abundance, followed by seven years of famine throughout the land of Egypt.

Trade Routes: Indian Ocean Trade Route

Posted By eBrandMe 162 days ago on all - Three powerful empires ringed the Indian Ocean. The Ottoman Empire in the west, in the center was the Safavid Dynasty, in the East was the Mughal Empire. Today, the Indian Ocean Trade route remains critical.

Pharaoh Piye: 1st of the Black Pharaohs Ruling 25th Dynasty Egypt

Posted By eBrandMe 303 days ago on all - Pharaoh Piye was an ancient Kushite king and founder of the 25th Dynasty of Egypt, who ruled Egypt from 744–714 B.C. He created an empire that stretched from the 6th cataract to the Mediterranean Sea.

Queen Tomyris: Queen of the Massagetae, Mother of Spargapises

Posted By eBrandMe 44 days ago on all - Tomyris was a queen of the Massagetae (c. 530 BC). After she found out about the death of her son, Spargapises, at the hands of Cyrus the Great she led the Massagetean army into war, and, during the battle defeated the Persians and destroyed most of their army.

How to Save Money on Car Rentals: A Comprehensive Guide

Posted By a2v 180 days ago on all - This guide explores practical strategies on how to save money on car rentals, from booking in advance and comparing prices to using discounts, loyalty programs, and avoiding unnecessary fees. It highlights the importance of choosing fuel-efficient vehicles, understanding rental terms, and being flexible with travel dates. Additionally, the article covers alternative options like peer-to-peer rentals and car-sharing programs, providing readers with comprehensive tips for minimizing rental costs. Whether for a vacation or business trip, these money-saving tips help renters find the best deals and reduce overall travel expenses.

Blockchain Technology 101: from Zero to Hero

Posted By wpnewsify 307 days ago on all - Blockchain technology is commonly associated with cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and sometimes with massive digital frauds. Partly, it’s true, but it’s not a fair and complete perspective. In our article on WP Webify, we summarize blockchain technology.

WordPress Multilingual: How to Create a Website in Multiple Languages

Posted By wpnewsify 179 days ago on all - A website with multiple languages built using WordPress development is becoming essential for companies wanting to tap into new markets and grow internationally. WordPress multilingual websites help businesses engage with customers in their native languages, building trust and loyalty across different cultures.

Ancient Kingdom of Nri: A Trade Based Economy Centered on Hunting, Agriculture & Palm Oil

Posted By eBrandMe 161 days ago on all - The ancient Kingdom of Nri was the center of an extensive trade system linking the town with Gao on the Niger bend and, through there, to Egypt and North Africa.

Top 15 Dark Web and Threat Monitoring Tools for Brand Protection

Posted By supermonitoring 303 days ago on all - These tools are engineered to reinforce your brand's defense capabilities and deliver actionable intelligence to handle your threats with high accuracy.

How Does Technology Impact the Teen Life in the Digital Age

Posted By harleenas 154 days ago on all - As an adult, do you notice a stark difference between the life of teens today and when you were a teen? This is because of the technological developments that have introduced new options for entertainment, interaction, and socializing. Here's a review of teen life in the digital age. More on the blog. :)