The way people treat you is taking a toll on your health, not to mention your self-esteem. You feel devalued — as if the whole universe is telling you that nothing you’ve accomplished in your life matters. How do you tell someone to treat you better if you’re not sure you even deserve it? Or ... Read more
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Who knew your kid could be such a jerk? They reach young adulthood, and suddenly they’re blaming you for everything that’s going wrong in their lives. Because how could it not be your fault? Every mistake you’ve made as a parent has made their life the steaming ruin that it is. You’re what’s wrong with ... Read more
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What’s worse than getting caught in a storm in the middle of vacation? Not being prepared, of course! No matter where you're heading next, a rain jacket should definitely find a way onto your packing list. This list of best packable rain jackets for men will help you find the most suitable one for you! ... Read more
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When you are in love, spending time apart is the last thing you want. Luckily, through modern technology, you are only a few clicks or a call away from the man you miss. You can save running through the airport for the movies, and send a thoughtful text to make his day. However, many people ... Read more
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Looking for words of encouragement for a man you love? Maybe you’re racking your brain for the words you’d want to hear if you were going through a crisis of confidence. All of us struggle with finding the right words to say when someone we love is going through a difficult time. But whether your […]
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Some of the moments when we feel the most trapped, insecure, or anxious come when we have trouble advocating for ourselves and being assertive. Learning to speak confidently about your wants and needs doesn’t come easily to everyone. Some people naturally develop these skills, while it takes others many years to work past the feelings […]
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Why do you let people push you around? You’ve asked yourself this, but the story behind your “must please everyone” behavior is not something you like to think about. You ask yourself, “How can I be nice without being a pushover?” But every time you’re faced with an opportunity to stand up for yourself, you […]
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Packing is arguably one of the most stressful parts of travelling. I can’t tell you how many times I thought: “Man, if I could fit in just a couple more shirts, I’d be ready for that one-week trip.” Or how many hours I wasted trying to remember where I put my gadgets, because I swear […]
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Imagine waking up in your hotel room, all excited for the day. Suddenly, your head starts spinning, your nose starts leaking like a faucet, and your throat feels like something is clawing on it from the inside. Ugh! That’s what happens when humidity levels are low. Low humidity means there’s not enough moisture in the […]
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You’ve probably read (or heard) about the good things that come from journaling, but do you know the science behind gratitude journaling, in particular? Keeping a daily gratitude journal can transform not only your mindset but the direction and impact of your life. In just a few minutes a day, you can take your morning […]
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Travel has its delights but also many disruptions that can interfere with keeping your teeth clean. As a result, a busy day filled with sightseeing or business meetings can leave your mouth feeling not so fresh. Being away from home, however, is not a barrier to maintaining oral health. You don't want to let plaque […]
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There are twenty-four hours in a day. We dedicate a few of those to sleep and some to work, but we define ourselves by the remaining few hours. Our interests and hobbies are active expressions of our personalities, allowing us to experiment and discover ourselves through the things we love. However, there is a difference […]
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Once we accept that we don’t have all the answers, life becomes an exciting adventure of asking questions. Curiosity allows us to open our minds to new worlds and adopt ideas that we couldn't have conceived on our own. For every question we have an answer to, there are thousands we don’t. Some are profound, […]
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Many relationships begin with a familiar dance of firsts, unspoken exchanges, and unshakeable wondering. Are we on the same page? Could I see myself with him? Is he serious about me? When a man is serious about you, the signs aren’t always crystal clear. While having an open dialogue is the most effective way to […]
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As kids, we are asked what we want to be when we grow up. At that age, our answers are often simple: doctor, fireman, scientist. Once we get to college or start working, our outlook on the future becomes more complicated. Our goals are less oriented towards purpose but rather towards success. However, to live […]
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There are few better ways to spend a rainy day afternoon, dinner party, or Sunday morning than pulling out your favorite board game and embarking on a new adventure with a group of friends, family, or even all by yourself. Board games aren’t just for groups but can be an excellent way to challenge yourself […]
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You’ve been dating for a while now. And you enjoy the time you spend with her. But if she’s been giving signs she wants to be your girlfriend, you may not be sure how to recognize them. What if you’re only seeing what you want to see? How will you know when she is ready […]
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As we grow older, it dawns on us that cobwebs have formed in the attics of our minds, preventing us from seeing ourselves clearly and authentically. We may exercise our curiosity, awareness, and compassion on others but not often enough on ourselves. If we don’t self-question, our experiences are transformed into memories and filed away, […]
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If you’re in a relationship with a narcissist (or you have been), you know it can be difficult to break free. It’s even more difficult to heal from the effects of their behavior toward you. But it’s not impossible. And it begins with recognizing narcissism for what it is. What better way to illustrate it […]
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You’re getting to know someone long-distance. And you’re both determined to stay connected and to deepen the relationship. But sometimes it’s harder to think of what to talk about. You call each other, text each other, and maybe you video chat a few times each week. So, having something to talk about is essential. That’s […]
The post 67 Long-Distance Relationship Questions to Ask Your Significant Other appeared first on Live Bold and Bloom.