New Business

Full-Time vs. Fractional CFO: Which Is Best For Your Business?

Posted By ivanpw 1030 days ago on Business - The post Full-Time vs. Fractional CFO: Which Is Best For Your Business? appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.Chief Financial Officers or CFOs are vital for your business, significantly if it’s growing. A CFO can help gauge where your company is and how far you are to your goals. They also report directly to the board of directors and CEO, not to close books only. Moreover, they can act as risk mitigators, strategists, and reality checkers for your company.As a company owner, you can choose to hire either a full-time or a fractional CFO. A full-time CFO works in the company as regular employees do, wherein they need to work a minimum of 40 hours per week. On the other hand, a fractional or part-time CFO only works for a few hours each week or when needed.…

5 Ways To Practice A Balanced Work-Life Ratio

Posted By ivanpw 918 days ago on Business - The post 5 Ways To Practice A Balanced Work-Life Ratio appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
It’s no secret that work-life balance is essential. When our work life takes over, we can start to feel overwhelmed and stressed. This is why it’s necessary to find ways to practice a healthy balance.

This article will discuss five ways to achieve better work-life balance. Follow these tips, and you’ll be able to relax and enjoy your time away from work!
Make A Schedule And Stick To It
Medical experts like Dr. Ryan Shelton, Zenith Labs Medical Director, know many working adults find it challenging to maintain a healthy work-life balance. One way to help achieve this balance is to make a schedule and stick to it.…

English Teacher Humor: Funny Grammar Memes

Posted By LaurelLit 862 days ago on Writing - If you’re an English teacher (or just a grammar geek), then you will get the humor of the memes below. Disclaimer: I didn’t come up with any of these. But I recreated most of them as files you can copy and share. Enjoy!              
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Fun Hanukkah Coloring Pages for the Whole Family

Posted By adimesaved 849 days ago on Finance - The festival of Hanukkah is a joyous time for family and friends to get together and celebrate. What better way to spread the holiday cheer than with some fun Hannuka coloring pages? Grab some of these free Hanukkah coloring pages ... Read More

6 Reasons Everyone in Your Business Should be Trained in Customer Service

Posted By ivanpw 803 days ago on Business - The post 6 Reasons Everyone in Your Business Should be Trained in Customer Service appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Creating a successful business means being able to build a company that keeps customers happy. Whether you create a product or a service that others love and you provide stellar service at all levels of your business, people come back for more and tell their friends.

Most businesses mistakenly think that only the front-facing customer service representatives need training, but everyone needs to be on the same page to ensure that customers get the best possible experience. Here are 6 reasons everyone in your organization needs customer service training.
Happy Customers are Easy to Work With
A happy customer is loyal and pleasurable to work with.…

How User-friendly are Bitcoin ATMs?

Posted By ivanpw 778 days ago on Business - The post How User-friendly are Bitcoin ATMs? appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Please excuse our disruption. You should be aware of anything about transfers. Mainly, you may now execute them using cryptocurrency ATMs. Use the certified software to start exchanging bitcoins!

photo credit: Elise / Pexels
Yes, you understood correctly: Due to the global spread of ATMs, you may now quickly take your fiat dollars in addition to buying bitcoin using them. It may be helpful if you run out of money while on vacation. How consumer are the devices, though? And how much are the associated costs?
For a rundown of all that you should know regarding using a bitcoin ATM to make a withdrawal, continue to read.…

Introducing Matilda and The White Winter in the Snow Forest by Massimo Coloso

Posted By Sybrina 761 days ago on Writing - Introducing Matilda and The White Winter in the Snow Forest by Massimo Coloso. For ages 8 to 18. This book is for children and young people of all ages that recounts the adventures of a sweet crow who, finding herself alone in a snowy forest during a particularly harsh winter, has unique experiences that allow her to observe the same world in which she has always lived, for the first time, with new eyes.The fox dens, the tree dwellings of squirrels, and some unexpected encounters will make her stay in the Snow Forest less lonely than she'd planned. This tale prompts the reader to reflect on the beautiful things that life offers daily, which are often hidden behind the 'veil of the eyes.'A book for young and old alike that transports you into a world of fantasy and adventure among the inhabitants of an undiscovered Snow Forest.

How To Start An Upholstery Business – A Complete Overview

Posted By AceyG 1941 days ago on Business - If you’re considering a business in upholstery, have a look at this unique collection of resources to give you an overview of what you need to know before starting this type of business.

5 Investing Questions for 2023 Answered

Posted By ivanpw 736 days ago on Business - The post 5 Investing Questions for 2023 Answered appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
The economic outlook in 2023 is a hot topic right now, and inevitably it has implications on investors. Whilst diving into the latest investing trends and market news, we have compiled 5 questions that may be on the minds of investors in 2023.

Will Futures Trading Remain Strong?
A few weeks ago, Goldman Sachs claimed that they believe commodities will gain 43% in 2023. These kinds of predictions are exactly why experienced investors continue trading Futures, in an attempt to capitalize on the highly volatile markets.
For those wondering what are Futures, they are a quick and liquid way to trade, particularly among the most popular stocks.…

San Marcos Criminal Attorney: A Day In The Life

Posted By ivanpw 728 days ago on Business - The post San Marcos Criminal Attorney: A Day In The Life appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
The criminal process, from start to finish, involves a number of steps that are not visible to the public and are often handled by prosecutors and criminal defense lawyers behind the scenes. This is just one of the reasons that, if you are facing criminal charges in San Marcos, it is recommended that you hire a criminal defense attorney to represent you.

Before you make the decision concerning whom you should hire, you may want to know what happens in the daily life of a San Marcos criminal defense lawyer so you will have an idea of what to expect. Knowing what your lawyer can do for your case is vital when selecting someone to represent your interests.…

5 Great LinkedIn Marketing Tips from Lewis Howes

Posted By inscmag 1809 days ago on Sports - For any entrepreneur or business owner, the perceived value of his brand or business is one of his most worthwhile assets. Generating success over the platform called LinkedIn includes a lot about improving personal branding and expanding brand reach. LinkedIn happens to be the sole business social networking site where marketers can create a huge […]
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Battlefield Earth – A Saga of the Year 3000 By L. Ron Hubbard – Pump Up Your Book Tours

Posted By Sybrina 701 days ago on Writing - Battlefield Earth - A Saga of the Year 3000 By L. Ron Hubbard - Pump Up Your Book Tours. Genre: Science Fiction, sub-genre: Alien Invasion, Classic Science Fiction, Space Opera, Military Sci-Fi, Adventure Sci-FI. 1,000 years after Earth has been decimated by an alien invasion, a young hero rises from the ashes and rallies the last survivors in an all-out rebellion for freedom that explodes across the continents of Earth to the cosmic sprawl of the Psychlo empire… Read interview and download some free chapters.

Things to ponder while selecting an ice fishing tent

Posted By inscmag 1703 days ago on Sports - When you’re selecting a shelter, there’re some essential factors that you need to consider. If you want to purchase a shelter that holds up against all elements and a large one that fulfills all your needs, then there are some other elements that you need to consider while selecting an ice fishing tent. Material It […]
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Parameters for gaming smartphones

Posted By inscmag 1694 days ago on Sports -  The mobile gaming scene is warming up with AAA titles, for example, PUBG, Call of Duty, and all the more creation their way to the mobile space. Makers are looking past merely the leader Smartphone. Best gaming smartphones appear to be the new thing right now, with practically all makers touting the gaming abilities of their gadgets. […]
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AM Best Affirms Credit Ratings of Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited and Its Core Subsidiaries

Posted By inscmag 1685 days ago on Sports - OLDWICK, N.J.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–AM Best has affirmed the Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating (Long-Term ICR) of “bbb” and the various Long-Term Issue Credit Ratings (Long-Term IR) on the unsecured debt and preferred equity of Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited (Fairfax) (Toronto, Canada). AM Best also has affirmed the Financial Strength Rating (FSR) of A (Excellent) and the Long-Term […]
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How to Stay Organized While Hunting for a New Job

Posted By inscmag 1665 days ago on Sports - If you’ve recently been on the hunt for a new job, then you know how much work it takes. Sometimes you feel as if it’s a full-time job just looking for a new one!  Feeling disorganized and overwhelmed with information is completely normal.  After all, you’re juggling applying to several different companies. It’s common if […]
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Springrates – The Number One Place to Buy Coilovers Online

Posted By inscmag 1658 days ago on Sports - When you’re in the market to buy coilovers online, it can be difficult to know which of the many retailers to choose from. There are some that offer good prices, but poor products and others that offer high-quality goods, but make you pay a fortune for shipping. At Springrates, we know that we’re the best […]
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What Needs To Change To Help Those With Anxiety Feel Supported At Work?

Posted By ivanpw 578 days ago on Business - The post What Needs To Change To Help Those With Anxiety Feel Supported At Work? appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Anxiety can be a debilitating disorder that affects people from all walks of life. It doesn’t discriminate based on age, race, or socioeconomic status; anyone can be affected.

Even though anxiety has been classified as a mental health issue since 1980 and is included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), some employers still don’t recognize it as an official disability – leaving many sufferers without essential accommodations like reduced hours or more flexible work environments.
In this blog post, we will delve into why this lack of recognition exists within certain organizations and understand what needs to occur for everyone with an anxiety disorder to feel supported while at work.…