New Business

5 Solid Strategies to Improve Your Employee Retention Plan

Posted By ivanpw 992 days ago on Business - The post 5 Solid Strategies to Improve Your Employee Retention Plan appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.It’s no surprise that retaining excellent staff is critical to a company’s success. Recruiting new personnel is not only costly and time-consuming, but it also has a detrimental impact on your employees’ productivity and morale. As a business, retaining outstanding people should be at the top of your priorities list because it has a big impact on your bottom line.Understanding what employees value most and acting on it to maintain employee engagement and happiness is the key to a successful retention strategy. It’s critical to keep evolving and being creative with retention techniques in order to meet the demands and desires of today’s workforce.…

How to Find the Right Workers for Your Small Business

Posted By ivanpw 979 days ago on Business - The post How to Find the Right Workers for Your Small Business appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.When it comes to the most essential elements responsible for achieving business success, human resources ranks high on the list. Whether it’s a handful of employees or hundreds of them, workers are crucial. They’re the boots on the ground, the eyes always watching, and the talent required to turn ideas and visions into products and credit: Gustavo Fring / PexelsWith this in mind, it’s easy to see how finding the right workers is critical to small business success. However, doing so can be easier said than done. There are billions of people out there and only so many positions.…

10 Tips for Effective Business Leadership

Posted By ivanpw 964 days ago on Business - The post 10 Tips for Effective Business Leadership appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.According to the Harvard Business Review, the most crucial skill for leaders is the ability to develop and communicate a clear vision. In addition, your vision should be inspiring and motivate your team to achieve great credit: PixabayAs a leader, you also need to be able to make tough decisions, build and maintain strong relationships, and promote a positive work environment.Are you a business leader? If so, you know the importance of being effective in your role. After all, your company’s success depends on your ability to motivate and inspire your team.Fortunately, there are several things you can do to improve your leadership skills.…

8 Workplace Injuries That Might Land You in Hospital and What to Do

Posted By ivanpw 958 days ago on Business - The post 8 Workplace Injuries That Might Land You in Hospital and What to Do appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Did you know that many potential dangers are lurking in the average workplace? Though we often go about our days without giving them a second thought, these dangers can cause serious injuries if we’re not careful.

For example, falls are one of the most common causes of workplace injuries or fatalities, but they can easily be avoided by taking precautions and being aware of your surroundings. Other workplace injuries include electrical shocks, exposure to hazardous materials, and repetitive motion injuries.
If you’re worried about getting injured at work, here are eight workplace injuries you need to be wary of to avoid a trip to the hospital.…

What is a Business Plan Executive Summary

Posted By ivanpw 949 days ago on Business - The post What is a Business Plan Executive Summary appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
You can think of the executive summary as the introductory section of your business plan. It is a brief, positive synopsis of the business that goes at the beginning of a  business plan and normally contains short overviews of each section that follows. A good executive summary is straightforward and concise, highlighting the key points of your plan in an easily-digestible format.

If you get stuck writing an executive summary for your business plan or need help with other sections, there are resources and free business plan templates available online to get you started.
Here’s what should be included in an executive summary:

A brief description of the company, including its history, products or services, and target market
An overview of the company’s marketing strategy
A discussion of the company’s financial projections, including sales, profits, and expenses
An explanation of the company’s organizational structure and management team
A description of the company’s facilities and equipment

The Importance of the Executive Summary in a Business Plan
While it may seem like a small and insignificant part of your business plan, the executive summary is actually one of the most important sections.…

The Ultimate Guide to Using Cash App for Your Business

Posted By ivanpw 921 days ago on Business - The post The Ultimate Guide to Using Cash App for Your Business appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Modern techniques of money transfer have been made possible by cutting-edge technologies. We no longer have to endure long waiting periods for payments to be processed. Snap transfers are becoming a necessity rather than a luxury.

One aspect of the whole Square financial services ecosystem tends to go unnoticed when it comes to commercial transactions, despite the fact that it is one of the most well-known companies in small business credit card processing. We are discussing Cash App, a well-liked peer-to-peer transaction app and lightweight Bitcoin trading platform.
Despite the fact that Cash App is mostly used for personal transactions, you may use it for business transactions by creating a business account in just a few easy steps.…

The Atlantean Horse By Cheryl Carpinello – Pump Up Your Book Tour

Posted By Sybrina 865 days ago on Writing - The Atlantean Horse (The Feathers of the Phoenix - Book 1) By Cheryl Carpinello - Pump Up Your Book Tour. Genre: YA Paranormal/Supernatural. Ancient Mystery...Mystical Prophecy...Biblical Horsemen

One Epic Task

The Task: Retrieve the Five Feathers of the Phoenix to raise Atlantis so its people can return home.

The Chosen: Cousins Rosa & Jerome embark upon a perilous and personal quest to retrieve the first Feather. Rosa’s special gift, kept far in the Past, will be revealed, and Jerome will discover his.
The Opponents: The Four Deadly Horsemen of the Apocalypse will stop at nothing, not even murder, to possess the Feathers.

Join Rosa & Jerome as they risk all in their search for the First Feather!
Read Excerpt.

3 Inspiring Tips for Aspiring Business Owners in Nevada

Posted By ivanpw 858 days ago on Business - The post 3 Inspiring Tips for Aspiring Business Owners in Nevada appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
If you are an aspiring business owner in Nevada, congratulations on joining the revolution. It’s one made up of fifteen million Americans who now work full-time for themselves so they can do the work they love most and find fulfillment in their career.

You should also know that the number of small businesses in the U.S. has more than doubled since 1982. Many of those small businesses were started by people just like you. In fact, the World Economic Forum projects that two-thirds of people will leave their job this year and seek other ways to make money simply because they aren’t fulfilled in their work.…

Trust an Expert: How Technology Consultants can Make CRM Implementation a Breeze for Small Business Owners

Posted By ivanpw 851 days ago on Business - The post Trust an Expert: How Technology Consultants can Make CRM Implementation a Breeze for Small Business Owners appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
In today’s increasingly digital world, it’s more important than ever for small business owners to embrace technology if they want to outpace their competition. Despite this reality, implementing new systems within small business operations can be easier said than done. This is especially true when times are tough and there are growing signs of an economic downturn around the corner.

In fact, results from a recent survey of small businesses conducted by Act!, found that inflation, supply chain issues, and decreased demand for services have been very real challenges for small businesses in the last 12 months and impact their likelihood of implementing new technologies.…

How to Choose the Broadband Connection for Perfect Bandwidth?

Posted By ivanpw 843 days ago on Business - The post How to Choose the Broadband Connection for Perfect Bandwidth? appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Imagine you are on a crucial Skype, video, or Zoom call with your boss or a client when the call unexpectedly ends and you receive a notification stating that you have used up all of your allotted bandwidth for the day.

Naturally, you will feel awful about embarrassing yourself in front of them. Or, let’s say you and your gaming mates are online and you run out of data in the middle of a game. Wouldn’t that break your heart?
Consider all the reasons you and others in your home or apartment would want to use your broadband connection to connect to the internet before making your decision on the best internet provider service.…

Top 10 Effective Ways to Promote a Video Production Company

Posted By HippoVideo 2328 days ago on Business - The world was a very different place twenty years ago. Businesses used radio and television channels to promote their brand/products. As we moved forward, the trend has shifted from leaflets to television to online platforms making everything digital.                              Image Credits: ...
The post Top 10 Effective Ways to Promote a Video Production Company appeared first on

3 Ways Automation Can Improve Your Business Performance in 2023

Posted By ivanpw 788 days ago on Business - The post 3 Ways Automation Can Improve Your Business Performance in 2023 appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Automation in business is more than a growing trend. It is reshaping the way companies think about operations, the teams they hire, and how those teams interact. It allows software and cloud-based technologies to cover the mindless, rote tasks such as data input and time management while leaving the higher-value work to the humans who enjoy easier work and increased productivity.

If you’re considering the many benefits automation could bring to your enterprise, here are three distinct ways automation will improve your business performance in the coming year.
1. It Reduces Operating Costs
Looking ahead to 2023, businesses can take the lessons learned in the past few years and use them to create a strategy focused on efficiency and putting automation at the forefront.…

The Counting Books and Games Store – Game – Plugo STEM Pack by PlayShifu

Posted By Sybrina 781 days ago on Writing - The Counting Books and Games Store – Game – Plugo STEM Pack by PlayShifu - Math Construction (Link & Count), Augmented Reality Games with Fun Building Blocks | Cool Math Game for Ages 5-10 Years Boys & Girls Pre-K to Grade 5 (App Based)

The Rabbit and The Fox Book Store – Fun Shoe Accessories – Dragon Shoelace Decorations For Crocs

Posted By Sybrina 766 days ago on Writing - The Rabbit and The Fox Book Store - Fun Shoe Accessories - Dragon Shoelace Decorations For Crocs

Introducing Let Us Pray – A Delightful Coloring Book of Prayers By Othel and Marseille Lofties

Posted By Sybrina 721 days ago on Writing - Introducing - Let Us Pray - A Delightful Coloring Book of Prayers
By Othel and Marseille Lofties.
This coloring book is brought to you by Coloring GOD's Word. The goal of Coloring GOD's Word is to illustrate the Bible in an easy form of coloring so that Children can learn the Word of GOD while coloring the pages that explain the Scriptures. In preparation for the celebration of Easter, they offer the coloring book, "JESUS the Resurrection".

5 Ways Wrongful Death Lawyers Can Help You Get Fair Compensation

Posted By ivanpw 685 days ago on Business - The post 5 Ways Wrongful Death Lawyers Can Help You Get Fair Compensation appeared first on SMALL BUSINESS CEO.
Losing a loved one is shocking, devastating, and heartbreaking, even more so if another person’s negligence or recklessness caused their death – you carry the weight of considering whether to file a wrongful death claim.

In California, for instance, the surviving family members of the deceased have the right to file a wrongful death claim or lawsuit to seek compensation for harm and losses suffered due to the death of their loved one. In order to preserve the right to lodge a wrongful death claim in California, you need to file it within two years of the date of the person’s passing.…

What is Home Staging? and What is it Not?

Posted By Kevinvitali 676 days ago on Real Estate - This content is provided by Kevin Vitali of EXIT Group One Real Estate your Massachusetts Real Estate Agent
Home staging is a technique to prepare your home for sale. The purpose is to give the broadest appeal and present a home in its best light.
The post What is Home Staging? and What is it Not? appeared first on Massachusetts Real Estate- Merrimack Valley.