New → Health -
TotalMSK Blog article: Hip pain and Trochanteric Bursitis, possible causes, treatment options and self-help - A Brisbane MSK therapy perspective.
Headache Pain and Treatment - An MSK Therapy perspective -
Blog Article: About Headache Pain, types of headaches, possible causes, muscular tension and myofascial trigger points - An MSK Therapy perspective.
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome - An MSK Therapy perspective -
TotalMSK Blog article: Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome or Runner's knee / Rower's knee, causes, self-help and treatment options - An MSK Therapy perspective.
Stress, wellbeing and performance (Part 1 of 3) -
TotalMSK Blog article: Stressors, How the human body responds to stress, stressful situations and performance. Part 1 / 3 - An MSK Therapy perspective.
Scars, tissue healing - A Myotherapists perspective -
TotalMSK Blog article: Tissue Healing and Scar Tissue and relevance to Adaptation, Biotensegrity and injury prevention - An MSK Therapy perspective.
A simple six step ergonomic computer work setup guide -
TotalMSK Blog article: how to create an ergonomic home working computer setup to help prevent musculoskeletal fatigue of the neck, back and shoulders.
Myotherapist and Myotherapy treatment techniques -
TotalMSK (Brisbane): Myotherapy and Myotherapists use many assessment and soft tissue therapy techniques in the treatment of MSK and myofascial pain.
An MSK Therapy perspective of Tissue Adaptation relevance -
TotalMSK Blog article: An MSK Therapy perspective about tissue adaptation with relevance to physical training, injury prevention and rehabilitation.
Muscle Energy Techniques (MET) therapy treatment -
TotalMSK (Brisbane): Muscle Energy Techniques use the power of muscles to create a soft tissue myofascial release, increasing mobility and reducing pain.
Soft Tissue Release (STR) therapy treatment -
TotalMSK (Brisbane): Soft Tissue Release (STR) is an effective and specific method of assessing and treating restricted mobility and myofascial pain.
Trigger Point Dry Needling - An MSK Therapy perspective -
TotalMSK (Brisbane): Trigger Point Dry Needling and myofascial trigger point pain. A perspective from an MSK therapist with over 15 years experience.
Myofascial Release treatment - An MSK Therapy perspective -
TotalMSK (Brisbane): Myofascial release treatment for musculoskeletal and myofascial pain. A perspective from a therapist with over 15 years experience.
Chronic Pain treatment - An MSK Therapy perspective -
TotalMSK (Brisbane) Blog Article: About Chronic Pain, possible causes, treatment options and why taking a holistic approach is vital - An MSK Therapy perspective.
Bursitis and Inflamed Bursae - An MSK Therapy perspective -
TotalMSK Blog article: About bursitis pain, including causes, injury mechanisms, treatment options and self-help - A Brisbane MSK therapy perspective.
Subacromial Bursitis (Shoulder) - An MSK Therapy perspective -
TotalMSK Blog article: Subacromial Bursitis, shoulder pain, possible causes, treatment options and self-help - A Brisbane MSK therapists perspective.
Basic Sports Injury Prevention - An MSK Therapy perspective -
TotalMSK Blog article: Running related series of articles, basic running injury prevention strategies - An MSK Therapy perspective.
Shin Splints - An MSK Therapy perspective -
TotalMSK Blog article: Runner's Shin Splints and shin pain, possible causes, self-help and treatment options - An MSK Therapy perspective.
Iliotibial band syndrome (ITB) - An MSK Therapy perspective -
TotalMSK Blog article: Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITB) / snapping hip or Runner's knee, causes, self-help, treatment options - An MSK Therapy perspective.
Patellofemoral Syndrome - An MSK Therapy perspective -
TotalMSK Blog article: Patellofemoral Syndrome or Runner's knee / Rower's knee, causes, self-help and treatment options - An MSK Therapy perspective.
Ankle injuries - An MSK Therapy perspective -
TotalMSK Blog article: Ankle Injuries (inversion/eversion), possible causes, self-help and treatment options - An MSK Therapy perspective.