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Super Simple Campfire Chicken Hash
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The Bathroom Workout
Perform standard bodily evacuations.
Do 15 pushups.
Wash hands.
It’s very important to a) not get these steps out of order, or b) try to rush through the routine by performing multiple steps at the same time. Doing so may yield less than desirable results and could potentially result in a terrible mess.
My wife has recently decided to join me in doing the bathroom workouts (also NOT at the same time) by doing 10 squats every time she goes to the bath
Clear the Tracks! The Story You’re Reading Right This Very Moment Could Save Your Life Unless You Get Hit by a Train
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Posted By intergalacticbiz 1731 days ago on Humor
This is Why “Fair Warning” is Van Halen’s Best Album
The History of Potato
Posted By WorldFoodStory 1975 days ago on Humor
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I Deactivated My Twitter Account and Here’s What Happened (How’s That for a Shitty Clickbait Title?!)
“Gourmet” Sandwiches
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Jamming on The Noisy Mushroom (Bugera 6260 Amp + Fender 1×12 Cabinet)
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BREAKING: "Golf Ball-Sized Hailstone” Officially Adopted as Scientific Unit of Measurement
ME: Based on this new development, how large would you say this rock I found outside is?
DR. TUGSHAFT: Roughly the size of a golf ball-sized hailstone.
ME: Interesting. And what about this?
DR. TUGSHAFT: What is that?
ME: It’s a golf ball.
DR. TUGSHAFT: That appears to be about the size of a golf ball-sized hailstone, but more precise observations could tell us more.
As one might expect, the meteorology community couldn’t be happier. “We couldn’t be happier,” said Dr. Patricia Thirp, head of Marginal Accuracy at the Meteorology Institute of Lower Gruntsville, Texas. “We’ve been going on about golf ball-sized hail for decades. It’s nice to finally see the greater scientific community finally catch on.” When asked if she was surprised at the recent development she stated, “I figured there was a 30% chance of it happening today, with maybe a 20% chance of it happening tomorrow.”
Someone more cynical than myself might merely see this as SCUM’s attempt to keep up with NASA which recently declared “yay high” as its new official measurement of distance; however, in this reporter’s eyes I see only the ongoing and inspiring advancement of our scientific understanding of the universe at an ever-increasing rate**.
*A dense ball of molten pocket protectors roughly the size of 4 trillion golf ball-sized hailstones.
**Technically, 18 quadrillion blinks-of-an-eye per decade.
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11 new coronavirus symptoms you need to look out for.
Posted By intergalacticbiz 1711 days ago on Humor
I’m a Male Model!
A Few Words on the Economy
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the American economy lately. Specifically about that part of the American economy that involves my wallet, because that specific part has recently become what we in economic circles refer to as “empty.” There are a lot of economic factors that I could blame this on. Take Recession, for instance. I could easily blame my lack of money on Recession. “Recession,” I could easily say, “is causing me so much stress that I have to buy twice the amount of beer for relaxation purposes, and as a result, have far less money to spend on more important things like rent or liver transplants.” So I sat down the other day and came up with a few ideas on how we can “stimulate the economy” by increasing consumer activity across a broad spectrum of the economic landscape and possibly robbing people at gunpoint.
My first idea is that everyone should invest in the stock market. Granted, the stock market has recently been closing at numbers well below the temperature levels of planets in the outer reaches of the solar system, but this is mainly because of what economists refer to as “@&$%# Enron!” You should take a large chunk of your annual income and invest it in a bunch of stock. You should do this because you make more money than me. My annual income couldn’t support an investment into a box of saltine crackers.
Investing in the stock market in these modern computer-driven days is so easy that even the average Joe can do it, which is probably why the economy is in such poor shape to begin with. People named Joe shouldn’t be allowed to invest in the stock market. People named Joe should be required to consult Financial Advisors, because Financial Advisors usually have very business-like names such as Richard or Edward and are very good at manipulating money whereas most people named Joe are usually only fairly adequate at manipulating the controls on the Tilt-O-Whirl where they work.
Another way to bring the economy up to speed is to buy everything you see advertised on television. There are many fine products available to the consumer on television these days ranging from devices that, by sending jolts of electricity directly into your abdominal muscles, can turn them into firm, healthy, spastic knots the size of pellet gun ammunition to devices that can cook a fully grown manatee in under five minutes. These are actually the same device.
One particular product I find to be highly enticing is the Flat Hose, which is a water hose that when not in use becomes flat so that it is easy to roll up. I think buying a couple of these would do wonders to stimulate the economy especially if we used them to tie up Allan Greenspan and said to him in a very calm but serious manner, “Now stimulate the economy dammit or we’re going to inject you full of Epil Stop Hair Remover!”
And this brings me, via no legitimate segue what-so-ever, to my next idea which is getting involved in internet porn. I don’t know about you, but lately I’ve been receiving a lot of unsolicited advertisements for pornographic websites in my email account, specifically my MSN Hotmail account. Sometimes I’ll receive upwards of twenty-five emails a day from guys like [email protected] or gals like [email protected] with subject headings similar to “!!!CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBTS NOW AND WHILE YOU’RE AT IT CHECK OUT SOME FREE PORN FOR ONLY $34.95 A MONTH AT WWW.UNSANITARY-UNDRESSED-NAKED-PEOPLE-DOING-NEARLY-CRIMINAL-ACTS.COM!!!” Apparently, the economy is being very nice to the internet porn industry. Maybe the government should sponsor its own internet porn site featuring sultry, seductive, lurid, glamorous nude photos of, let’s say, Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.
In conclusion, I would like to say that surely you can see here that I have put forth quite a number of feasible actions we might take in order to revive our stagnant economy and that, in addition, I obviously have absolutely no idea of how the economy actually works. I blame this on Recession.
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How to Make Slightly Less Lethal Ramen
BREAKING: “Golf Ball-Sized Hailstone” Officially Adopted as Scientific Unit of Measurement
The post BREAKING: “Golf Ball-Sized Hailstone” Officially Adopted as Scientific Unit of Measurement appeared first on Clif Haley.
Will Coronavirus cases reach 4 billion per day? We answer all your questions.
Posted By intergalacticbiz 1680 days ago on Humor
Hey, the Onion... Here's our trash.
Posted By intergalacticbiz 1496 days ago on Humor
10 UNBELIEVEABLE Facts About America
The post 10 UNBELIEVEABLE Facts About America appeared first on Clif Haley.
The absolute best way to cook Brussels sprouts
Posted By intergalacticbiz 1640 days ago on Humor