New Humor

My Wife Tried to Kill Me with Progresso Spicy Jambalya Soup [REVIEW?]

Posted By clifhaley 1226 days ago on Humor - Beware. This soup is so hot it could burst into flame at any moment.
I think my wife is trying to kill me. That is the only explanation I can think of as to why she would inflict upon me such pain as is found in Progresso Spicy Jambalya Soup. The really cruel part of this horrendously hot soup is that it tastes really damn good. I couldn’t stop spooning it into my agonized mouth.
I like spice, but typically when you see a “spicy” version of something that isn’t normally spicy such as Progresso Soup you can expect the spiciness to be rather mild so as not to traumatize normal consumers. This jambalya doesn’t care one bit about normal consumers. It hates normal consumers. It wants to burn their faces completely off. Long story short, I loved it.
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Posted By WorldFoodStory 1854 days ago on Humor - Tzatziki is certainly the most famous sauce or dip in Greek traditional cuisine. It is an incredibly delicious and refreshing sauce that can be made very quickly and simply. Traditionally, Tzatziki is made of Greek-style (thick) yoghurt, cucumbers, garlic, olive oil to which is added herbs like dill, mint and parsley. In some variants lemon...
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Daily Journal: October 9, 2005

Posted By clifhaley 1047 days ago on Humor - God I hate Ryan! The first thing I’m going to do when the band makes it big is kill him. I’m sooooo sick of the way he looks at me and transmits via telepathic rays “You’re just a big ol’ baby! Baby wanna go poo, poo? Baby wanna ride the magic Wheelbarrow of Happiness to […]
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A Ghost Helped Me out in Waco, Texas

Posted By clifhaley 1435 days ago on Humor - I got lost with my girlfriend one night in Waco, Texas. Roads were deserted. No people. No cars. Then a ghost helped me find my way. This was around 2003 or so. My band Plow Monday had a gig at a venue in Waco I now can’t remember the name of. The venue was a […]
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My Thoughts on the First 2020 Presidential Debate

Posted By clifhaley 1590 days ago on Humor - The first of allegedly three debates between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden went down last night with all the class, grace and decorum of an all-clown orgy in a Walmart. I figured I’d share my thoughts on it because there are no thoughts more valuable in politics than those of a random blogger on the internet. THOUGHT NUMBER ONE My first thought of the evening was definitely “oh boy!” because I expected this debate to be an absolute hoot. Between Trump’s smug and unwarranted sense of self importance and Biden’s supposed cognitive decline to be in full display for over an hour and a half, I thought for sure the only thing that could possibly go wrong was absolutely everything. I couldn’t wait for the ride! THOUGHT NUMBER TWO Wait a m

Things Websites Need to Stop Doing

Posted By clifhaley 1226 days ago on Humor - Below is a list of things websites need to stop doing immediately…

Putting important information and links in the footer on a site with infinite scrolling so that the only way you can ever get to it is to view source and directly copy the URLs.
Having a “support” system that is nothing but a bottomless FAQ pit of useless or outdated information with contact info that is virtually impossible to find. PayPal is notorious for this. Virtually every time I’ve had to use PayPal’s “support” system to figure out how to do something (usually cancelling recurring payments) the information  has not been updated after recent site updates so that either many of the links / pages it says to go to either no longer exist or have moved. Often (more often than should be allowed by a loving God) pages PayPal links to in their support documents are COMPLETELY GONE.
Utilizing incompetent AI chatbots. If you don’t have a live human available, get rid of the online chat option entirely.
Requiring a credit card for free trials. I get why sites do this (they’re evil) but they really need to stop.

The SaaS (Software as a Service) business model needs to f*&%ing die. This is the single worst thing to happen to software since the Atari 2600 E.T. video game.
Asking me if I want to receive their obnoxious notifications. You want to have an email newsletter sign up form? Great! You want to randomly invade my browser with updates no matter where I am on the web? Nope.

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Posted By WorldFoodStory 1852 days ago on Humor - Souvlaki is probably the most popular dish in Greek cuisine. Most certainly, it is the most spread one. Souvlaki is a traditional dish which is fast food at the same time. It’s marinated pieces of meat baked on skewers. Although most often made of pork, they can be found in many other variants. It’s not...
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DALL-E 2 Images: First Day Playing With DALL-E 2

Posted By clifhaley 968 days ago on Humor - Just this morning I received an invitation to use the OpenAI DALLE-E 2 image creating AI. These are some of the prompts I gave it and the images it produced:
“a photo of a robot reading a newspaper”

“a drinking glass full of eyeballs”

“a renaissance painting of superman playing a piano”

“a blueprint drawing of r2-d2”

“a photo of a giant potato in the desert”

“a renaissance painting of r2-d2”

“a tintype photo of a hamster reading a book”

“a photo of an old 1950s refrigerator in a forest”

“a pixel art drawing of a sloth playing an acoustic guitar”

“a comic book drawing of a sloth playing an acoustic guitar”

“a bottle of hand sanitizer flying through space digital art”

“a comic book drawing of zorro playing a guitar”

“a robot dancing with a monkey pixel art”

“hand drawing of a dragon”

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"Gourmet” Sandwiches

Posted By clifhaley 1178 days ago on Humor - Originally published November 18, 2004
I just had Subway for lunch and I was once again surprised at how much it didn’t suck.
I was never really a big fan of Subway sandwiches back before their big make over; before they decided to sell meats made from animals that actually exist in nature and offer more than one flavor of bread. Remember the OLD Subway with that one limp roll of bread and the cold cuts of meat-ish product that you could ball up and bounce off walls? Well, take it from me, the NEW AND IMPROVED Subway is MUCH better. So I’ve been eating of this new Subway for a couple of weeks now and have been quite pleased.
My favorite sub shop here in town (being Austin, Texas) is Delaware Subs. Delaware Subs offers gigantic sandwiches crafted from AUTHENTIC east coast recipes. They even offer these tiny little over-priced sugar infused cupcakes called Tasty Cakes that, apparently, only grow naturally “up North.” These little cupcakes are so rich in sugar they can rot an elephant tusk from twenty-five feet away.
I do like sub sandwiches. If I had to rank the sub shops here in Austin from what I would eat first to what I would eat last, I would have to say. . .

Delaware Subs.
A heaping wheelbarrow full of mammal feces.
Thundercloud Subs.

As you have probably gathered from the above ranking, I am not a huge fan of Thundercloud Subs. Nope. They are absolutely the worst. The strange thing, though, is that they are incredibly popular here. I don’t understand why. . .
Thundercloud Subs are small, over-priced, made from substances that barely pass as meat and more often probably pass as stones or polyps, and their shops are staffed by hippies. And by hippies I mean hirsute men and women who travel in visible hazes of body odor and patchulli and very rarely take the time to pluck various insects and wildlife from their dreadlocks, not your typical modern day hippie who doesn’t even have a job.
And now even 7-11 has gotten into the sub sandwich business offering sandwiches made from, and they really say this, “gourmet” meats and breads, which makes me wonder: Who stood by and let 7-11 bend “gourmet” over a barrell and rape the meaning out of it? Why, back in my day, you couldn’t even use the word “gourmet” in a sentence unless you had an off shore bank account and at least ten servants just to pick your nose for you. Boy, those were the days!
UPDATE 2021: Since this was originally written back in 2004 Delaware Subs’ quality has gone downhill faster than an overweight manatee on a skateboard. Their former greatness has been usurped by the far superior Tucci’s Southside Subs.
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The History of Potato

Posted By WorldFoodStory 1975 days ago on Humor - The potato is now the fourth most important food crop on our planet, behind rice, wheat and corn. It is present and a favourite in all cuisines around the world, prepared in various forms and in every conceivable way. However, potato is a plant from the New World, completely unknown in Europe, Asia and Africa...
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I Deactivated My Twitter Account and Here’s What Happened (How’s That for a Shitty Clickbait Title?!)

Posted By clifhaley 1589 days ago on Humor - Twitter is a hellscape of people hell bent on making the worst parts of humanity – which are fewer than Twitter users would have you think – the only parts that ever get discussed or highlighted. Twitter is nothing but a derby race of people on thoroughbred high horses lobbing barely clever snipes and witless holier-than-thou comments at one another for sport. It’s a fan club for those who idolize outrage. You don’t like Trump? Sure, I get it. You do like Trump? Guess what, I get that, too. But is there anything…anything at all…more interesting to you beyond your political tastes? If not, then you’re a problem for society. You are not an “activist”. You are not “making a difference”. You are wasting your valuable time on th

“Gourmet” Sandwiches

Posted By clifhaley 1177 days ago on Humor - Originally published November 18, 2004 I just had Subway for lunch and I was once again surprised at how much it didn’t suck. I was never really a big fan of Subway sandwiches back before their big make over; before they decided to sell meats made from animals that actually exist in nature and offer […]
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