New Humor

How to Make Slightly Less Lethal Ramen

Posted By clifhaley 1515 days ago on Humor - Like you, my favorite food in the entire world is ramen (from the ancient Japanese word “ramen” meaning “more sodium per teaspoon than an entire livestock salt block”). Unfortunately, like almost every delicious thing humans actually enjoy eating, it is extremely unhealthy for you when consumed in its most popular form: pre-packaged block of ramen with a “flavor packet” of dehydrated broth dust and enough salt to tan several mammoth hides.   Good news for all you ramen loving folks* because I (e.g. my wife) have devised a way to make ramen kinda, sorta from scratch at home that is far healthier than the pre-packaged alternative which is known to sometimes cause heart attacks to occur in anyone standing within a three foot radius of a single pack. Also g

Jamming on The Noisy Mushroom (Bugera 6260 Amp + Fender 1×12 Cabinet)

Posted By clifhaley 1523 days ago on Humor - A short little jam on my new-to-me Bugera 6260 amp I bought from a buddy of mine. It’s running through a small Fender 1×12 cabinet. Because the amp head is so big that it overhangs the small cabinet when placed on top I call it The Noisy Mushroom. Bugera Amps: Fender 1×12:
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I Made an Unnecessarily Epic Video of My Son’s Homemade Pandemic Haircut

Posted By clifhaley 1586 days ago on Humor - I made an unnecessarily epic video of my son Levi’s first pandemic era haircut from home but a completely unqualified parental figure (e.g. Mom.) For anyone curious, I shot the thing on my old iPhone 6S Plus and edited it in Premiere Pro.

Super In-Depth Review of the Unzano FHD Webcam and a Tour of My New Office

Posted By clifhaley 1586 days ago on Humor - I just got this Unzano FHD webcam and boy, oh boy, is it…well…watch the vid to find out! I also take you through a very thorough tour of my new mobile HQ! Unzano webcam:

I Bought a Vintage Commodore Vic-20 Computer

Posted By clifhaley 1587 days ago on Humor - Well, I guess I’ve been officially bitten by the “I’m going to collect vintage computers for no reason” bug after buying a Tandy TRS-80 Model 100 a couple of weeks ago. I’d hoped that purchase would have cleansed me of this pending addiction, but alas it only served to energize it. Now I must have all the vintage computers ever created by man or beast!! I just got my hands on my second vintage computer and this one has a special place in my heart, because it was the first computer I ever owned. I’m referring to the mighty Commodore Vic-20 endorsed by none other than Captain Frickin’ Kirk! I received my original Commodore Vic-20 as a Christmas present when I was around 8 or 9 years old. My 8 or 9 year old mind whirred with excitement when I ripped

I’m a Male Model!

Posted By clifhaley 1588 days ago on Humor - It’s the last thing I ever expected to be, and probably won’t be again anytime soon, but here’s what happened… My buddy and screenplay writing partner Patrick Byrd is a professional photographer. He’s most recently been contracted by Roxor Eyewear to produce lifestyle photographs…basically, photos of people doing interesting things while wearing Roxor sunglasses, which are optimized for outdoor and sporting activities. So Patrick hired a few pro models for the gig and clicked off a few hundred shots. Roxor loved the images, but said for the next shoot – a water themed shoot – they wanted someone who looked more like a regular guy than a model. Patrick showed them a clip of some on-camera work I’d done for and they thou

I Deactivated My Twitter Account and Here’s What Happened (How’s That for a Shitty Clickbait Title?!)

Posted By clifhaley 1589 days ago on Humor - Twitter is a hellscape of people hell bent on making the worst parts of humanity – which are fewer than Twitter users would have you think – the only parts that ever get discussed or highlighted. Twitter is nothing but a derby race of people on thoroughbred high horses lobbing barely clever snipes and witless holier-than-thou comments at one another for sport. It’s a fan club for those who idolize outrage. You don’t like Trump? Sure, I get it. You do like Trump? Guess what, I get that, too. But is there anything…anything at all…more interesting to you beyond your political tastes? If not, then you’re a problem for society. You are not an “activist”. You are not “making a difference”. You are wasting your valuable time on th

Clear the Tracks! The Story You’re Reading Right This Very Moment Could Save Your Life Unless You Get Hit by a Train

Posted By clifhaley 1589 days ago on Humor - This was originally published in an issue of the Austin-American Statesman newspaper’s XL Ent entertainment magazine on April 22, 1999! ##### In my opinion, 90 percent of the people who get hit by trains every year deserve to get hit by trains. I simply cannot conceive of any justifiable reason for someone to be hit by a train (unless, of course, you’ve just upset the Don of your specific Mafia by losing 200 pounds of Persian white heroin in a game of craps with a well-trained Great Dane on a nationally syndicated variety show like “The Wink Hendershot Monkeys Spinning Plates on Tall Poles to Lawrence Welk Hour”). But it seems that people are always getting run over by trains. Just take a look at these numbers: 4, 2, 31, 9. About every two weeks or so, you’ll turn

My Thoughts on the First 2020 Presidential Debate

Posted By clifhaley 1590 days ago on Humor - The first of allegedly three debates between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden went down last night with all the class, grace and decorum of an all-clown orgy in a Walmart. I figured I’d share my thoughts on it because there are no thoughts more valuable in politics than those of a random blogger on the internet. THOUGHT NUMBER ONE My first thought of the evening was definitely “oh boy!” because I expected this debate to be an absolute hoot. Between Trump’s smug and unwarranted sense of self importance and Biden’s supposed cognitive decline to be in full display for over an hour and a half, I thought for sure the only thing that could possibly go wrong was absolutely everything. I couldn’t wait for the ride! THOUGHT NUMBER TWO Wait a m

When COVID’s Gone, Then What?

Posted By clifhaley 1591 days ago on Humor - Despite the mass suffering COVID-19 has inflicted upon the United States, one good thing it has done is proven that, like America’s Greatest Generation before us who selflessly sacrificed everything to ensure a mostly Nazi-free future without evil and tyranny, so too can our generation step up to overcome a great challenge by bitching about wearing masks, watching a lot of Netflix, and increasing our intake of delivered preprepared meals. The sacrifices we have all made should be applauded and I think we all deserve, from a safe distance and with the aid of very long poles with gloves taped to the ends, pats on the back. Which reminds me, check back soon to get a great deal a quality Back Patting Pole!* However, thanks to the miracle of modern science, the COVID scourge will soon be