New Pets

Cameras for Cat Collars – 4 Best Options to See Your Pet’s Perspective

Posted By TheDiscerningCat 1589 days ago on Pets - If you love and admire your cat like I expect you do, then you’ve most likely thought about what it must be like to walk in their paws. Wouldn’t it be great if they had cameras for cat collars so you could see how they experience the world and what life looks like from all [...]

Can Cats Eat Raspberries? All the Fruity Facts Cat Lovers Need To Know

Posted By TheDiscerningCat 1494 days ago on Pets - Who doesn’t love rewarding a curious cat with a treat? There you are indulging in your favorite snack or fruit. Suddenly a hairy face bobs …

11 Blue Eyed Cat Breeds

Posted By TheDiscerningCat 1530 days ago on Pets - Did you know that all kittens are born with blue eyes? However, once most kittens reach six weeks of age the melatonin kicks in and most cats develop a different eye colour. However, there are some cat breeds that have a recessive gene which means that their eyes will stay blue. So if you have [...]

How To Pet A Cat | The Do’s And Don’t On How To Show Love To Your Feline Friends

Posted By TheDiscerningCat 1527 days ago on Pets - Our fluffy feline friends are aloof, yet lovable parts of our lives. We tend to shower them with attention and affection when we get the opportunity to do so. But, contrary to what some cat-parents may think, not all cats enjoy this physical affection we so desperately want to show. So how to pet a [...]

Norwegian Forest Cat vs Maine Coon: How to Choose Between the Two

Posted By TheDiscerningCat 1468 days ago on Pets - When people resemble each other, we often say they seem “separated at birth.” Some experts believe that the Main Coon and Norwegian Forest Cat are …

Why Does My Cat Attack Me? 8 Reasons

Posted By TheDiscerningCat 1512 days ago on Pets - Anyone who’s owned a cat carries scars on their hands and fingers. Literally. But that’s normal for feline owners. Almost everyone will talk about how they got those scars with adoration, rather than scorn. In many cases, cats simply offer claws in return for fingers. Who doesn’t know the sudden claw-first grab after a tummy [...]

What Does It Mean When A Cat Rubs Against You? Is It Good or Bad?

Posted By TheDiscerningCat 1525 days ago on Pets - If you’re a cat owner, you’ve likely wondered why cats rub against one person but not another. Your fluffy companion might greet you at the door and rub against your legs, but be aloof when your partner or friend enters through the same door. Why do they do this? What does it mean when a [...]

What Does It Mean When A Cat Stares At You? 5 Reasons Why

Posted By TheDiscerningCat 1508 days ago on Pets - Cats are peculiar and fascinating creatures. Some of their habits, such as your kitty’s soft purrs, are easy for us to understand as affectionate. Other behavioral characteristics of cats are far more confusing. If you’ve caught your cat intently staring, you might have felt like they were trying to communicate. Perhaps you’ve been woken up [...]

Why Does My Cat Sit On Me? 8 Reasons Why

Posted By TheDiscerningCat 1524 days ago on Pets - You’re all snug and settled on the sofa, or typing away at your laptop, and suddenly, your adorable kitty jumps onto your lap, curls into a ball, and purrs away peacefully. Many ponder the question, “Why does my cat sit on me?”. There are many ways to express oneself in cat word. Cats like to [...]

What Does It Mean When A Cat Stares At You? 5 Reasons Why

Posted By TheDiscerningCat 1508 days ago on Pets - Cats are peculiar and fascinating creatures. Some of their habits, such as your kitty’s soft purrs, are easy for us to understand as affectionate. Other behavioral characteristics of cats are far more confusing. If you’ve caught your cat intently staring, you might have felt like they were trying to communicate. Perhaps you’ve been woken up [...]

8 Fluffiest Cat Breeds that are Purrfect for Cuddles

Posted By TheDiscerningCat 1569 days ago on Pets - I am a huge fan of floof and fluff. When I was looking at what type of cat to get I did a thorough check of the fluffiest cat breeds combined with cats who act like dogs and found my perfect match with my Siberian cat Alexei. Whilst Siberians are wonderfully fluffy and – spoiler [...]

Why Do Cats Purr When You Stroke Them? A Purr-fect Mystery

Posted By TheDiscerningCat 1523 days ago on Pets - If your purr-fect little kitty is purring – melodious, vibrating, continuous sounds – it’s a sure sign they’re content. It’s also the most common sound cats make compared to other sounds such as meowing, chirping, hissing, growling, and chattering. When your feline is all curled up in the sun or sitting on your lap you [...]