New Literature

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained: Taking Risks To Change Your Life

Posted By inthegameinvesting on Finance - We spend our entire lives weighing up the cost of our decisions, always trying to find the most painless path forward to reach our goals. Some of us learn to move forward through this pain so we can grow and achieve our goals, while others end up shrinking their goals down and never changing anything...

Tips for Selling a House As Is

Posted By inthegameinvesting on Finance - Homeowners looking to take advantage of the current seller’s market might be eager to list their property. And those looking to save time and money on the sales process might choose to sell their home “as is.” Selling a home as is means the seller will not make any repairs to the home to close the deal....

Top 29 Best Options Trading Books You Need to Read Right Now

Posted By hashtaginvesting on Finance - Futures and options are a very popular form of financial market instruments and their trading allows the traders to adjust their positions and strategies based on the ongoing market trends and happenings. But such a trading process is much more complex. Fortunately, there are numerous traditional books that can largely simplify learning the options trading process. Here are the 17 most notable books.

How To Turn Your Passion Into A Money-Making Entity

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Are you looking at turning your hobby into a business in the new year? Then here is how to get your new business off the ground!
The post How To Turn Your Passion Into A Money-Making Entity appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

The Top 7 Surprising Reasons To Say Thank You This February

Posted By ThankYouLady on Self Improvement - Did you know that February offers many opportunities to say thank you? February offers many chances to thank the people in your life. I hope you take advantage and express your gratitude! While Valentine’s Day ...
The post The Top 7 Surprising Reasons To Say Thank You This February appeared first on Tons of Thanks.

How Enterprise Collaboration Facilitates Workforce Engagement And Upskilling

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - Enterprise collaboration is a term that is becoming increasingly popular in the business world. But what does it mean? The … How Enterprise Collaboration Facilitates Workforce Engagement And Upskilling Read More »

Travel Solo Like a Pro with These 10 Life-Saving Tips!

Posted By Olu on Shopping - If you want to take a trip but don’t want to be alone, or if this is your first time traveling solo and you feel nervous about it – fear not! Thousands of people travel on their own each year and have wonderful experiences.  To help ensure that happens for you too, here are ten ... Read more

Tinkering With Artificial Intelligence Blog Writing

Posted By salgatt on Technology - Writer’s block gets the best of us so I thought it was time to start exploring the possibilities of AI in blog writing. AI has been the rage for some time now and with the introduction of my new mentor, best friend, therapist, idea man or woman, ChatGPT, AI is tough to ignore. Like just ... Read more
The post Tinkering With Artificial Intelligence Blog Writing appeared first on My Battles With Technology.

11 Tips for Bloggers to write more Content

Posted By bbrian017 on Blogging - As a blogger, the success to your blogging activities lies in the amount of content you create. Agreed that everything still has to be done, from link building to promotions, but the biggest factor for the blogging success remains with the content. When you create more content, your posting schedule improves, that is rather than … Continue reading "11 Tips for Bloggers to write more Content"

Don’t Make These 5 Dumb Mistakes When Thanking Your Boss

Posted By ThankYouLady on Self Improvement - Expressing gratitude to your boss can be fantastic if done correctly. Most people, which includes bosses, are grateful when shown appreciation and recognition. However, you should avoid a few mistakes when thanking your boss. Mistake ...
The post Don’t Make These 5 Dumb Mistakes When Thanking Your Boss appeared first on Tons of Thanks.

Ikigai: What is it and How it Can Help You Find Purpose and Meaning in Life

Posted By seline101 on Self Improvement - Finding purpose in life is something most of us want. But asking about your purpose can seem like too lofty an aspiration. Fortunately, there are models we can use to unravel our unique purposes, one of them being Ikigai. Ikigai is a Japanese word that represents the passions, talents, and professions that give meaning and... 
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The post Ikigai: What is it and How it Can Help You Find Purpose and Meaning in Life appeared first on The Dream Catcher.

Put Down that Dave Ramsey Book!

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Personal -

As financial grifters go, Dave Ramsey is one of the worst out there today. In this video from The Financial Diet (one of my favorite channels) she takes down Dave Ramsey and his terrible financial advice. You’ve probably heard tidbits of his advice like “paying off all debt” and “keeping a $1,000 emergency fund.” However, […]
The post Put Down that Dave Ramsey Book! appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Dairy Free, Gluten Free Cloud Bread Recipe

Posted By ChaChingQueen on Creative Lifestyle - This gluten-free cloud bread recipe is easy to make and is a low carb bread.  Since this fluffy and light bread substitute has no flour, it’s a great bread alternative for those on special diets. It’s Keto Bread, Gluten Free Bread, and Low Carb Bread all in One! Since I’ve been trying to limit my...
Cha Ching Queen -

Things To Do In Springfield, MO: A Family’s Guide to the Best Attractions

Posted By ChaChingQueen on Creative Lifestyle - Springfield, MO, is a vibrant city with exciting things to do. We live in St. Louis, MO. Springfield is about 3 hours southwest of us. We’ve visited Springfield many times. To create this guide, we combined our experience from our family trips with recommendations from friends who live in Springfield, MO.  As a bonus, we...
Cha Ching Queen -

Themes From 25 Young Debt-Free Family Interviews

Posted By ChaChingQueen on Creative Lifestyle - This is a contributed post from Mark at Financial Pilgrimage. We found his site and fell in love with his Debt Free Interview Series. We are a family that retired young. If there is one thing I’ve noticed since, it is that there is an endless amount of “advice” on the internet about how to...
Cha Ching Queen -

11 Easy Ways to Make Money While You Sleep

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Making money while you sleep is a dream for many people. It is as easy as starting to putting in the work. It takes a lot of action to get started, but when you can sleep and make money simultaneously, ... Read More

Using a Fall Prevention Mattress to Reduce Falls From Bed

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - One of several ways to reduce falls from beds is to use a fall prevention mattress with raised edges. These helpful devices reduce the chance of seniors rolling out of bed by providing a barrier. Keep reading to learn more about using them as part of your fall prevention strategy.